Hi Linda:
First off I wish you all the best.
Well, everyone's post op journey is unique, but most have headaches, balance issues, fatigue -
i personally had bad headaches daily for about 3 weeks, the fatigue is improving but still there,
balance issues are just now improving (I've been going for balance therapy 3 months).
One of the most important things post op is to REST, REST, REST. Your body will dutifully let you know when it's time for a nap.
Those of us with facial paralysis have eye issues (dry eye due to eyelids not closing), eating & drinking difficulties, also speaking difficulties.
(Hopefully you won't be in this small group post op).
Have someone to help around the house for at least the first 2 weeks. I started driving 3 weeks post op, 2 weeks after returning home.
Have food prepared, laundry done, etc. prior to surgery.
Again, all the best to you Linda, take care, Nancy