Hello Everyone
The past few days have been very difficult. Cannot explain it but Heavy Head and wanting to fall over. Must be the weather.Even one of the guys at work asked why I was walking funny. Have had alot of balance issues the past few days and confussion, like I will be working and all of a sudden I think " What am I doing?". Thank God I can work at my own pace. One thing that bothers me is that when I am typing, my fingers do not want to go where they are supposed to. I have always been a great typist and speller but now I am finding it more difficult. Is this age or a part of this journey that I have to get used too and adjust.
I am going for my next MRI on Friday, will see what comes of that. I am going to try to do it without any meds, again. It is becoming more difficult to put myself in another place, so will see what happens.
Plalites(?) is still good and hopefully will help in the end result.
I cannot sleep at all anymore, could this be unconcious stress, along with the high blood pressure that I HAVE NEVER HAD until last summer when everything started to escalate, Oh my spelling is horrible!! I am getting meds(cannot remember which at this moment, may remember soon)to stop smoking, is a anti-depressent also, the doctor says it should help me sleep better. Hope so. Am so tired of being tired.
Will update when I know the results!!