Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with a small 5x9mm AN on June 24th. In researching what the impact was and what the future held I talked to someone I had grown up with. He had the AN surgery 40+ years ago at the House. He was ten at the time. I had no idea he had gone through any surgery, let alone brain surgery. He played football all through high school, raced cars, you name it, and he has had no problems since then. He lost his hearing in the AN ear, which I believe was far more common back then. I also found out that I work with a man who had AN surgery in 1998 at the House and is he is doing beautifully also. I am scheduled for surgery on August 19th and I am feeling far more secure about what the future holds as a result of these two contacts and all the wonderful input from the people on this board. I feel confident that I have the best possible care and am eager to get this all behind me.