jesse, you have got to listen to me. something made me get on this website for the first time in 5 years tonight, when i was going through the same thing that you are. i was diagnosed with a 1 cm. acoustic neuroma, and i was absolutley terrified, to say the least. with a one year old and a three year old at the time, i researched the whole thing almost obsessively. i went to surgeons, and was scheduled for surgery twice. i can't remember the surgeon's name right now off hand but he was in nashville, tn. and was about as renowned as the house ear clinic in ca. as i researched farther, i postoned my surgery twice, and ultimately decided to go the gamma knife radiation route with Dr. Dade Lunsford in piittsburgh. he brought the whole prodecure to the united states. he is the only one to go to, i'm telling you. i came so close to having surgery it scares me looking back to think how much my life would have changed by doing so. i know somebody who was diagnosed just prior to my diagnosis who decided to be brave and just jumped into surgery at the house ear clinic, and is now so sorry that he never looked into the gamma knife. my life is 100% normal. i never realized that life would ever return to normal after living with the fear that you are going through now. my friend's life is ok, however, he falls over when playing basketball, or even on a run. he so regrets that he never researched the gamma knife radiation. i am so thankful everyday that i did. my life could have been so different had i not. but if you do do this, do not go to anyone but the best. they do this treatment in lots of hospitals, but i totally believe that you should go to Dr. dade lunsford, universiy of pittsburgh. he is the best in the country, and i think that that is key. something made me get on this website tonight, for the first time since i was going through this terror myself. i have almost wanted to block it from my memory since it all happened to me. however, tonight i was just remembering all of that, and thought how lucky i am that my life is so wonderfully normal, that i decided to get on here again. i hope by doing so, i can help you. if you want to call me my number is 252-523-2405 home, 252-727-0717 beach or email wish you the best. you WILL be ok. susan grady