Author Topic: Balance--Try this w/your eyes closed: How many seconds can you hold one foot up?  (Read 17094 times)


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I had to try this one myself. First I had my 17 year old son do it. He could stand on either foot for at least 6 seconds before wobbling. I tried my non-AN side first and lasted about 2 seconds. Then I tried my AN side and immediately fell over. Thank goodness my son was there to grab me. We both got a good laugh over it.  I am about 1 1/2 years post surgery.  Ann
HEI July 26, 2005
5mm X 8mm Left AN
Middle Fossa
Dr. Brackmann & Dr. Hitselberger


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Tried it on both sides.  With foot up and crossed over the knee, about 5-6 seconds on left foot, about 4 seconds on right.  Foot simply raised, about 10 seconds on right side, 12 seconds on left.   I'm still in watch-and-wait, and I studied tai chi a few years ago, so that may have something to do with it.

I will *definitely* be taking up tai chi again this spring - it's fabulous for balance.  I've always been clumsy and banged into doorways, so if my balance is funky I can't really tell....
Diagnosed 12/8/06 with 1.6 x 1.4 x 1.3 cm AN right side.  Currently on watch-and-wait with Dr. Michael McKenna, Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary, Boston.


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With my eyes open I can stand for a long time, no problem.

With my eyes closed only a couple seconds.

4 cm right AN removed restrosigmoid 4/13/06
Partial facial paralysis, SSD and trigeminal numbness for now


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You know I HATED practicing that move in rehab.  I used to have to march in place with my eyes closed while on a trampoline.  So after 8 mos of that I still can't stand with my eyes closed and raise my foot  LOL

I'm going to blame it on weak ankles..yeah that's it!   :-*


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I also have trouble on one foot with my eyes closed.  But the trick to gain balance is to have the eyes to depend on, so I'll count my bessings to have good vision.


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I am pretty sure I did it for a half a second...
Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Okay...I did a quick and unscientific poll on my LiveJournal.  Most people could do it for around ten seconds, usually a bit longer on the dominant side.  One woman who regularly does tai chi could stand for almost a minute on her dominant side, and someone who appears to be a refugee from the X-Men claimed she could stand for *over two minutes* on her dominant side.  I'm not sure I believe this, but this is what she said. 

OTOH, a couple of people who don't have ANs could manage a second or two before falling over, so who knows?
Diagnosed 12/8/06 with 1.6 x 1.4 x 1.3 cm AN right side.  Currently on watch-and-wait with Dr. Michael McKenna, Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary, Boston.


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tried both sides and 2 seconds is it for me  :)
3.5 cm  - left side  Single sided deafness 
Middle Fossa Approach - California Ear Institute at Stanford - July 1998
Dr. Joseph Roberson and Dr. Gary Steinberg
Life is great at 50


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  • Kung Pow that AN thing

I too have noticed that I clip into walls, when walking from room to room. It's not all the time, but it does happen.
I really think that the walls move out in your way Ha! Ha!
I can only stand on one foot for 1-2 sec with my eyes closed; with my eyes open I can stand a lot longer.
I too have had my balane nerve removed on AN side.
Woundering if I practice the balance would get any better?

Kenn A.
Kenn A. (Peoria AZ)
1.2 x .9 CM AN Right Side
Surgery on 19 Dec 2006 (Middle Fossa)
House Ear Clinic, Los Angles CA
Dr. Brackmann & Dr. Hitselberger