Author Topic: Advise Needed.  (Read 4400 times)


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Advise Needed.
« on: February 08, 2007, 10:40:55 am »

I am Pei-Pei frm Singapore. I am new to this forum as a result of my 8 yr old son. My son was diagnosed with high frequency hearing loss in the left ear 2 ys ago. A CT Temporal Bone scan was ordered as he sufferred a hair line fracture skull at 2 yrs old due to a fall (this is to rule out tht the hearing loss was a result of tht fall).

The scan shows no evidence of any fracture line (as the fracture may have heal properly), no soft tissues mass or inflammatory tissues are seen within the air cells & the middle ear cavities on both sides. However, the internal auditory canal on both sides are bulbous with Right side more prominent. It is said tht if there is significant sensorinueral hearing loss, a MRI may be needed to exclude an AN. My son was then prescribed with yrly hearing test to monitor his condition.

Funny thing - hearing test shows Left side loss, the Right side perfect; but, the CT scan shows Right side has more problem. And, I only realise the inconsistency in reports, search the net & learn abt AN hours ago. To cut the story short, I was trusting the Doc to interpret the scan report to me correctly, and knew too little to ask any question back then. However, I remembered seeing the Scan Pic, saw the distinct different in both ears, felt uneasy abt it. I only re-look into this case today, after my son's Vice-Principal called me for some details abt his condition.

We have done 1 hearing test (no scan) in Oct 2006. Result shown No Change as compare to the diagnostic a yr ago. Since the test in Oct 2006, he experienced a few incidents of headache (which were never before) & some ringing. I gave him children's Paracetomol for headache (but to no effect on him), & asked him how he got rid of the ringing, he said to shake his head real hard. He is otherwise a very positive, happy, active, keen little boy, doing well in all areas. ... ..., he was devasteted when 1st diagnosed with hearing loss, as he thought he will not be able to learn anymore. Then he heard Beethovon's story on how he learned to play piano with hearing it. Till today, he still uses this story to encourage himselve to look forward.

I am hoping if anyone with more experience in AN can share/educate me with more info. May my son suffers the very early stage of AN? As there is a different in the hearing test report & the Scan report, wht shld I do? Shld I get it verify - Left - Right? Shld I be worried abt the bulbous conditon shown on the scan, & ask for a MRI to exclude AN, as the report suggest? How is MRI being done? Any side effect? Wht shld I look out for at this stage? pls advise.

yours truly,
Bernadette Pei-Pei 


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Re: Advise Needed.
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2007, 10:46:09 am »
Hello Pei-Pei and welcome! I am sorry to hear your son is enduring these issues and you, as a mom, I am sure, must be very worried.  It sounds like you have begun a good path, but, IMO, an MRI with contrast will be the true way to determine if he does have an AN.  Constrast is essential in helping to diagnose an AN since having an MRI without constrast will not give the radiologist a clear view if it is, indeed, an AN.

I am not sure about how medical works in Singapore, but if you can get your dr to order a head MRI with constrast, that, to me, would be the best help to determine if he does have an AN.

I hope this commentary helps.

Be well and be strong for your son. Hang in there!
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Re: Advise Needed.
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2007, 02:41:02 pm »

I wanted to welcome you to the Forum, also.  I am so sorry your son has such problems so early in his life. I understand your concern and frustration.  It sounds like he has a great mom!  It would seem, to me anyway, that an AN in a child so young would be quite rare, but anything is possible I guess.  I agree with Phyl, that he would need an MRI with contrast to rule it out. 

I wish you the best of luck in finding out the cause of your son's hearing loss. 

Best regards,

Sue in Vancouver, USA
Sue in Vancouver, USA
 2 cm Left side
Diagnosed 3/13/06 GK 4-18-06
Gamma Knife Center of Oregon
My Blog, where you can read my story.

The only good tumor be a dead tumor. Which it's becoming. Necrosis!
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Jim Scott

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Re: Advise Needed.
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2007, 02:51:03 pm »
Pei-Pei from Singapore

Welcome.  I am truly sorry about your son's hearing problems.  I'm not a doctor, but I think that he definitely needs an MRI scan to determine whether or not he has an acoustic neuroma.  Otherwise, you and the doctors are just guessing - and that can be dangerous if your son actually has a benign AN tumor and if it is growing.  Please try to have an MRI scan - with contrast - performed as soon as feasible, to solve this 'medical mystery'.

Best wishes to you and your son for a good outcome.

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

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Re: Advise Needed - Thank You Note
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2007, 07:50:03 pm »
Hi Phyllis, Sue & Jim,

Thank you very much for your replies. I will do as you advised - hope tht the Doc will agree with me & allow my request.

Children with unknown hearing loss is on the rise in Singapore in recent yrs. According to my Paediatrician & the ENT Docs, hearing test has become a must on all newborns as early as a few days old. This is so, tht, there is a reference data to refer back when needed. My children were both born before this ACT, so we have no reference. The Health Authority will conduct a Health Screening for all the New Primary School Goers during the 1st Term of school. Auditory Test has become part of the Screening. Shld the children show any abnormal sign from any of their Screening, they will then be referred back to SGH (Singapore General Hospital) which hold the School Health Screening Program. Shld future attention is needed, after consultation with the specialists there, children will normally be referred to KK Women's & Children's Hospital where the latest diagnostic Equipment & Skill Specialists are housed. However, under School Program Referral, which is under Government subsidy, we have no choice of Doc or treatment. ... tht was why I was put to different Doc everytime I was there, feeling very uneasy as Does this Doc know wht was being done or discussed before this visit? However, I still thank the Government for having done so much for us.

Now the next step is to get an appoint to see the Chief ENT Doc at KK, to discuss the MRI. We don't mind paying full cost of one. Again, appointment will be long to wait (it took us 3 mos after the school screenning to get to SGH; thereafter, another 3 mos to KK) ... guess we still have the time, as he is still doing very well. I will keep you update once I get any result.

I definately hope tht it is not AN, after learning abt it ... we can cope with Deafness, but it will be too much for a heart so young like his to bear with AN & it's treatment (the CT scan was a big thing for him 2 yrs ago); and as Parents we can do nothing but watch. I will pray hard to God tht this is not the case.

I am grateful for your support. Thank you very much Phyllis, Sue & Jim. God Bless.
