Hi. Just wondering if anyone else has notice a similiar issue. I had a middle fossa tumor surgery 10 weeks ago and all went great. Just a few post surgery issues. Well, I have been back at work now for 6 weeks. I started back at half-time and am now almost the full 40. Here's the issue:
I work all day at a computer doing engineering and detail work. At about 3:00 everyday now, the incision and side of my head starts to really hurt. It's a burning, aching feeling with pressure. I just want to go home and put a cold wash cloth on it. Once I leave the office and go home, the pain decreases within the hour. A friend said it might be the magnetic field around the computer affecting the screws, another said it might be from sitting so much. Maybe it's the healing process and the nerves are starting to kick in. I hope it's not just all in my head.(haha)
Ideas anyone?