Author Topic: incision pain  (Read 3777 times)

Mary 117

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incision pain
« on: August 02, 2005, 09:11:38 am »
Hi. Just wondering if anyone else has notice a similiar issue. I had a middle fossa tumor surgery 10 weeks ago and all went great. Just a few post surgery issues. Well, I have been back at work now for 6 weeks. I started back at half-time and am now almost the full 40. Here's the issue:

I work all day at a computer doing engineering and detail work. At about 3:00 everyday now, the incision and side of my head starts to really hurt. It's a burning, aching feeling with pressure. I just want to go home and put a cold wash cloth on it. Once I leave the office and go home, the pain decreases within the hour. A friend said it might be the magnetic field around the computer affecting the screws, another said it might be from sitting so much. Maybe it's the healing process and the nerves are starting to kick in. I hope it's not just all in my head.(haha)

Ideas anyone?
2cm x 1.5cm AN, Middle Fossa, Dr. Brackmann  05/24/05
Mild hearing loss, mild facial weakness, no balance issues

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Re: incision pain
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2005, 11:09:56 am »
Sounds like you should just go home at 3:00, at 6 weeks you are still recovering ... I too work on a computer ALL day. with my surgery scheduled for next week .. plan on being out about 6 weeks if all goes well .. part time at first ... a normal day for me now is about 12 hours, I assume I will need to work back up to that...

 from Shelton,CT
4 cm AN/w BAHA Surgery @House Ear Clinic 08/09/05
Dr. Brackmann, Dr. Hitselberger, Dr. Stefan and Dr. Joni Doherty
1.7 Gram Gold Eye weight surgery on 6/8/07 Milford,CT Hospital

Mary 117

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Re: incision pain
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2005, 01:30:48 pm »
Joe- you sound like my doctor.(and that's probably not a bad thing)  Maybe I am working too much. It is so difficult to know when to stop pushing forward. Everything is a learning process.

Good luck with your surgery. I hope all goes well and you recover as quiclky as possible.  Life is one big adventure and it is sure interesting.

Thanks for responding,
2cm x 1.5cm AN, Middle Fossa, Dr. Brackmann  05/24/05
Mild hearing loss, mild facial weakness, no balance issues

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Re: incision pain
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2005, 01:36:29 pm »
I'm hoping to sneak in some quality fishing time before going back to work  .. that will be "my" test . if I can't fish all day .. I cant go to work yet !  ;D

« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 01:47:46 pm by Joef »
4 cm AN/w BAHA Surgery @House Ear Clinic 08/09/05
Dr. Brackmann, Dr. Hitselberger, Dr. Stefan and Dr. Joni Doherty
1.7 Gram Gold Eye weight surgery on 6/8/07 Milford,CT Hospital

Mary 117

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Re: incision pain
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2005, 01:51:22 pm »
Sounds like the fish-based recovery should take months to achieve, or at least until the snow flies. (wear a life jacket in case you tip over-)

2cm x 1.5cm AN, Middle Fossa, Dr. Brackmann  05/24/05
Mild hearing loss, mild facial weakness, no balance issues

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Re: incision pain
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2005, 06:11:24 pm »
mary! my montana AN buddy! i'm so sorry to hear about your incision pain. i haven't heard a word from you in weeks and figured life was grand. i also work at a computer desk all day, but my incision only hurts if i press it too hard. do tell me though..can you feel the screws? weird, huh? i find myself feeling for the screws and plates and grooves of my incision all the time. maybe if i stopped doing that it wouldn't hurt. i hope this gets better for you..i can't believe 10 weeks have gone by already for you! i'm at 15 weeks myself. reading about ann's surgery sure takes me back though. :) have a good day....kristin
8 x 5 mm Left Acoustic Neuroma
Middle Fossa
House Ear Clinic
Dr. Derald Brackmann, Dr. William Hitselberger
April 14, 2005

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33


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Re: incision pain
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2005, 12:25:48 pm »
i didn't have mid-fossa surgery but i did experience pain. i had translab in feb and retrosigmoid in june. i experienced incision and general head pain both times. my doc said it was just the nerves waking up. i wish they would just go back to sleep! :D