Hi Don & welcome to the group:
My 1st biggest problem post op (beside the facial paralysis - I'm one of the few who end up with this problem)
was wicked headaches for about 2 weeks - I can't take opiates, so I could only use Tylenol extra strength
(ugh, that was an awful time).
My 2nd biggest problem post op was the fatigue. I wasn't able to cook, clean, etc.
I slept alot, took short walks & gradually increased my distance;
I took naps whenever my body needed it.... went a couple of weeks like that...
There were also balance issues, ended up going for Balance Therapy
& I can't taste alot of foods now, like steak, chocolate, bread (I can taste vegetables real good though, like a bad joke being played...)
If you don't mind my asking, how large is your tumor?
There IS also the option of radiation, if it is small enough, placement issue,,,,,
You have alot to think about right now....
take your time, keep a peaceful heart, Nancy