Hello to all:
I have a unique situation requiring HELP!
I was treated for inflamed eustachian tubes by an ENT, given too many nose sprays to mention, no hearing test, but eventually prednisone seemed to work prior to getting on a plane and going off to St. Marten for one week.
I noticed while there and away from allergy factors present in Connecticut that I felt little relief of this plugged up ear feeling.
Upon return, took myself to an allergist because I was confused....thinking it could possibly be a reaction to two adopted long haired cats... until the trip.
Shock...I am not allergic to anything, changed ENT'S and was given a hearing test and an MRI...
The rest is probably about the same as all of you...
I have an acoustic neuroma which is 1.3 cm by 1.5 by 1.9 in width...clearing pressing into my brain stem and causing the plugged up feeling....no other symptoms at this time with the exception of a sometimes tight feel in face or in my throat...
I need advice ...went to NYU..was told I could wait it out but to consider brain surgery due to my longervity in the family...I am 55 and still raising two of 3 children alone...but Yale said get it out....but another Dr.... says consider radiation.
I have researched and found Skull Base Center in LA, a Dr. Jho in PA and I live in Connecticut.
I am LOST , very panicky, alone as a single parent, with no sense of what is the right thing to do. I am self employed, need my eyes to work with magnification, cannot take mos off to recover, and feel rejected by family who acts like this will go away.
Does anyone know of a facility to remove this by endoscope on the East cost as Skull Base claims to be exclusive to?
I hate to give up hearing (am above 30 in bad ear, except first three decibals are around 35) yet in a crowded room can't hear on that side. Mild sound of a sea shell...not terrible ringing.
Feel fine, slight tightness at times in jaw line, but no vertigo or really bad symptoms...
because I have no financial or emotional help...I just don't know which procedure or how to decide what I can do....
Does anyone know of a Dr. who preserved hearing and can do this as invasively as possible. I am worried about facial problems which is the big push on brain surgery....but have heard of people getting migraines, neck problems, blance issues and facial paralysis...the Drs. cover their bases. My family Dr. says always do least invasive with least symptoms...well what is that supposed to be?
I do not know who I can believe. Went to Yale, NYU, called Skull Base, have Anthem which is 40/60 for out of network and feel frightened and very alone.
Talk to me!