I went to the doctor yesterday for my consultation about my bone density test. (test done before my shoulder surgery, one month ago) We went over the results and I have small bones I know but, the test showed very strong.
The doctor mentioned 2-3 oz. of alcohol a day is good medically speaking but, not more. He told me to do one thousand mg of calcium a day, with vit D. He mentioned about smoking not being good for health. I don't smoke and my bones look fine. True, the test doesn't tell all, just a part of the bone big picture. Genetics of course, play a roll.
I've fallen a few times in the past six months and my bones took the fall. If balance plays an issue for me with the AN, I want to have extra strong bones. I fell when the power went out here at home, in the dark. I fell over a dog toy. I fell a couple of weeks ago over a big stepping stone in the garden. (right on the two week old surgical shoulder) I flew up in the air about six months ago, on the driveway and I thought it was oil on the drive. (maybe AN related)
Anyway, does anyone know anymore about bone strength?
Hugs to all,