Hi Jeansear,
I had my 2cm AN treated last April via Gamma Knife right after I turned 60. I was never told if it was real close to the brain stem or not, but my doctor's agreed I was an ideal candidate for radiation treatment. However, that's not to say your aunt wouldn't tolerate the surgery just fine. It's not something I would want my 72 year old aunt to have to go through if there was another alternative, though. But, ultimately, the choice belongs to your aunt (with help and support from family, of course) and her doctors. And, yes, I agree she should talk to as many doctors as she (and you!) can to make sure she does have informed choices, if choices are an option. Sometimes, there is no other choice except surgery.
I do wish her all the best in her treatment and recovery. This isn't such a fun journey, but many of us have taken it and are happy to help and support any other's we find along the trail.
Take care,
Sue in Vancouver USA