I'm going to copy in something I put on another thread. There are multiple studies out there on the question of transient swelling after radiosurgery. They differ in details, but the general outline is that for one to two years after radiation, many ANs show growth that is difficult to distinguish between transient swelling or real growth. In exceptional cases, it can take up to three years to see definitive signs of tumor control. Or, for the lucky ones, there can be visible signs of necrosis in the first year. The good news is that is that the overwhelming number of cases turn out to be transient swelling, and require no further treatment. On the pubmed.gov site, some of the studies that address this question (under the seach string <acoustic neuroma radiosurgery effects>) have as principal authors Pollock, Huber, Hasegawa, and Nakamura. I'm sure there are other studies that also address this question.