Author Topic: social security  (Read 3361 times)


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social security
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:05:13 am »
hi everyone.  i was wondering if there was anyone here who has also had difficulty with getting back to work after the AN was removed.  I had mine removed before i ever started working (i was 16), and have really struggled the last 10 years to maintain employment.  the worst part is that my hearing ear is losing hearing as well.  i'm currently attending college, and recently have filed social security.  my first review is on the 16th of this month. of course, there are other issues at hand medically, but has anyone else here had to go on social security that could give me some advice?  would really appreciate it, thanks,


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Re: social security
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2005, 02:12:54 pm »
I applied and was denied twice - I got a SSD attorney and we got approved right before it went to hearing.  Although the attorney costs some money- had to pay a small retainer fee and the rest was a percentage of what the first award was and it is capped as to what he can get....and it may result in you having income vs. not having any at all. So I found it to be very worthwhile.

I agree with a post on the post treatment forum that says provide everything you can. I saw two neurologist, a psychiatrist, hearing specialist, physical therapist and a vocational evaluation expert. My report was quite lengthly.

I had someone tell me that getting SSD would be difficult because I was still young (at the time 40) and my disability was not "visible". In the end it came down to someone at the SS review board understanding that although I could still function at some things, it was impossible for me to keep and maintain a normal full time job/work schedule with any reasonable employer. The key words were "maintain" and "reasonable employer".   It was important for us to show HOW the disability affected my ability to get and/or maintain employment.  This is where SSD attorneys can really help - they know the key words to use.

Hope this is helpful to you or someone else out there.