I'm not fully SSD, I'm newly diagnosed, but also newly treated (GK two weeks ago). My reaction to my partial SSD -- "I'm so confused!" There's some character is some movie (TV?) that just breaks down crying saying "I'm so confused." I can't remember who/where it was, but the scene comes to mind often these days.
The other frustrating part is that I'm not THAT confused! It's the subtly of it all.
Separate subject: I was office manager of Disabled Student Services at San Diego State for a short period of time in the '80s. I learned so much in those few months. One thing is that there are many people who need disabled placards for things that are NOT obvious. We got at least one phone call a day from someone complaining that someone who "wasn't disabled" was using a disabled parking space. We would patiently explain that people can have many reasons for needing one, not all visually obvious.
I've actually had my balance (....weaving, etc...) problems for many years although no tests were done until I started losing hearing. I spent a couple years just hating it, feeling like everyone thought I was drunk or something. Then I pretty much switched to "screw it, let 'em think what they want." Now I pretty much don't care. I know I can't help it and that's all that counts.
One other thought -- about working in a cubicle (or anywhere) that's near a noisy traffic zone ... talk to your boss or personnel dept about getting moved. I believe it's your right as a disabled person. I guess some of us might not want to advertise our disability at work, but maybe in that case figure out how to ask to be moved for some other reason.
My very first thought when I realized I was starting to lose my hearing --- "Well, isn't this appropriate, I'm so sick of listening to the state of the world, tonight's news consisting of one murder or car crash or ??, man's inhumanity to man, ONE MORE commercial, no wonder I'm losing my hearing!"
Thanks for starting and bumping this thread; SSD is what I now have to start figuring out my "solution" to, now that I've had GK.