Hi all!
I wanted to share my good news and show some of the Newbies that are at the beginning of their AN journey that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I had my three year check up this week; the MRI and balance test on tuesday and the hearing test and office visit on thursday. I marched into Dr Manghams office confident that all was well, and he quickly confirmed this. Then he gave a smile as he showed that my test results have actually continued to improve- the balance test which I'd had a 24% left side deficit was now at 6%...probably better then most "normal" people! My hearing on both sides is equal at a 3 (perfect being 0), so I guess it's that "selective " issue that plagues me at times...hehe. I then said to him that "since I'm doing so well I won't need to come back for 10 years, right?"- he just laughed and then said "nice try, how about we do five (he's such a great doc I wouldn't mind stopping in to say hi anyhow). So five it is...
I wish you all the best on your recovery, decision making and everything else. Keep a positive attitude! No matter how challenging, it will always help.