Author Topic: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD  (Read 16357 times)


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2007, 07:14:19 pm »
Update on Hearing Situation: I am really answering my own thread but I expect no replies. If I can help one person out there who suffers from hearing issues and an AN it is worth it. Anyway this Saturday our newr local Audiologist told me she wanted to fit me with a better grade of Hearing Aid by Bernafon. This time I got the spelling of this brand right. This style costs $1300 dollars. She programmed it according to my current hearing status. Also had her give me an exact percentage of hearing loss since FSR. One month prior too FSR Radiation I had a loss of 26% hearing. It is now at 50% loss. That means I lost almost 30% of hearing from FSR> I am allittle over 10 months out from FSR. The Phonac brand is in but it costs $3000 dollars so she wanted me too use this one by Bernafon first. What a difference. We went to Church this morning as usual and I actually heard the pastors sermon. That has not happened in a long long time. I almost feel like a new man. I never ralized how deaf I really was until I take the hearing aud out and then I cannot hear-very slightly anything. Now if it just stableizes-that is the question. Anyway-their is hope for those of you facing the same issue as I am. I started out with 100% hearing back in 2005 when fiirst diagnosed with this monster. I just hope and pray I do not have another 30% crash because then that would be it for hearing. Audiologist wants me to try the $3000 Phonac this saturday then compare. Hate spending the money if hearing crashes more-so I am going to have too make some financial decisions on what the best route to take to continue to hear. Thanks-Ron


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2007, 10:37:07 pm »
This is super interesting Ron! Glad you could try this other one out. Do most audio hearing places let one do that? I'm going to ask here.

I googled that one that you are trying now and discovered they have a hearing test online. I don't have my earphones connected to this pc (haven't used them for a few years lol) so i did the simple test through the speakers.

I hope you don't have a crash of more decibels either... as I was wondering what happens if one does that after getting a hearing aid and does the hearing aid adjust automatically for that?

Also which version of this one are you trying? they have a bunch of diff styles... around the ear, in the ear, all in the ear and so on.....

I had another experience of hearing in the real world today.....

I was out at my summer shack planting flowers ( that was a be-good-thing-to-do-for-myself as i think that's important too during this An journey, be good to oneself). It was a lovely sunny day though cool. A neighbour from the valley came up and after greetings said it's great to see i was looking much better than two  summers ago ( an was found then plus some other stuff).

Now hearing wise it was fine... no noise outside...squirrels don't make noises that i know of and the birds were quiet , even the mosquitoes lol.... and i don't think most people hear the sigh of wind through grass  or flowers normally when it's a soft slight wind.....only low vol. radio on inside....  and could hear what was said inside and out. Then later, while i was watering said plants/flowers and he went over to the car and  spoke over the drive to me, i had to ask  for a repeat (turned off the hose shower nozzle too)... 3x.. ok... then next comment came while he's on a phone, and i again had to ask to repeat...  hmmmm let's see, how wide is a country lane? add 10 feet and that's how far away i was.... later in the valley now visiting there, i found myself having to get up and turn down the vol of that wasn't loud really but it seemed to hurt my ears lol.... and later said neighbour says gee you really couldn't hear me up there could you?.... right, look good, feel good, but all is not good lol....

and the funny thing? balance in darkness has worsened as even with  deck lights/ patio lights, the dark in the country is not the dark of city, so i needed a strong arm to navigate the walkway stones and the stairs......i should probably get a flashlight on some sort of hat lol....

i haven't been that aware of balance in the dark in the city as heck we have a different sky even at night, right?

good to  read your post Ron and know of other options... thanks for posting....

and I hope you stay at the level where you are and enjoy the hearing aid you get whichever one it is....

« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 06:27:02 am by Windsong »


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2007, 06:03:41 am »
Windsong- I cannot attest if all places will let you test out different brands and styles. Most places give a 30 day free trial period. I guess if someone wants your business they will work with you-if not then I would not want to use that place anyway. The model I have now- is behind the ear. I have a permanent ear mold that sticks in my ear so receiving module will not slip out. This is adapted to my ear and not everyone needs this kind of hearing mold. Mine is digital so it is behind the ear. In order to talk on the phone you will need one with a Telecoil. It was explained to me that all phones have a magnectic field in the reciever and this coil in the Hearing Aid accounts for this magnetism. I sure like the one I have now compared to the cheaper model. It has controls that can be adjusted by a computer that allows certain decibels and will not allow the hearing aid too exceed that limit. She programmed in some Background noise called soft sound so I can hear like AC running-or dishwasher etc. but they can program these out if they interfere with hearing. You might want to find a Hearing Aid Center near where you live and ask for a 30 day Trial Test to see if it will work for you. Do not go a distance because they sometimes need fine tuning. Hope this answers your question. I am so elated with this Hearing Aid- I told my wife I would almost like to go to bed with it-but that is not necessary-who needs to hear in their sleep-Ha-Ha. Thanks Ron


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2007, 07:51:38 am »
Thanks, Ron for all the wonderful posts on hearing aids.  It gets really tiresome for me as well as others asking them to repeat something.  I have just started trying to read about hearing aids and did not know where to start so your posts were great and helped a lot. 

I have read some about the BAHA and want to read and learn more about Transear.  Maybe someone will post here about both of those.
Diagnosed 12/19/06; 1.7 cm x .8 cm right side
Retrosigmoid 2/16/07 @ House Ear Institute
Dr. Rick Friedman, Dr. Marc Schwartz & Dr. Michael Stefan
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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2007, 08:02:41 am »
WELL - just saw the very next post on TransEar.  Sometimes I need someone to just take my hand and lead me around! lol  :D
Diagnosed 12/19/06; 1.7 cm x .8 cm right side
Retrosigmoid 2/16/07 @ House Ear Institute
Dr. Rick Friedman, Dr. Marc Schwartz & Dr. Michael Stefan
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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2007, 05:39:46 pm »
Thanks again Ron. Really glad you are benefiting from this aid.
Are the buttons easy to press and use too? These things can be so very tiny.



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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2007, 07:52:20 pm »
This morning-5-19-07 I was fitted for the $3000 dollar Phonac. It has five different programs so their is alot of room for adjustment but only 2 programs at this time were needed for me. I was impressed by the FM Reciever system that comes with it-However that is another $2000 dollars so that is off the board for now. It is a system developed by Phonac that you can hang around someone's neck-set in front of aTV or Stereo and hear it in another room on your hearing aid. The audiologist left the room and went too her front door and I heard her perfectly through the hearing aid-also adaptable to the Blue Tooth Mobile phone system if you like.You do not have too use it with a Phonac since she says almost all brands can be adapated to any Hearing Aid. Phonac also has systems to be used in schools etc-but that does not apply to me. Might consider FM Reciever down the line. When the hearing Aid is out I can hardly understand speech etc. Audiologist said that people with hearing impairment think that Hearing Aid has ruined remaining hearing-she says this is not the case-she says brain has adapted to the Hearing Aid. I am on my first day of using the Phonac so the Audiologist told me I have until the end of June-My one year MRI too decide what price range of hearing aid I want too invest in. I told her I hate too spend $3000 dolllars and my 1 year MRI shows growth or something-well It could actually do that anytime but I felt better after my one year MRI. I realize my situation will not apply to eveybody-Since I am an NF2 with only one hearing ear left-but new people always come on board and their are other NF2's on this board. So anyway I took it out for the evening and I am as deaf as a board-wierd sensation. My wife says I am a new man since I can hear now-not that well-but hey-something is better than nothing. God Bless All-Have a Good Evening-Ron


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2007, 10:59:20 am »
Hi there; I was just following this thread and wanted to chime in about the Phonak.  I've had my BTE Phonak Eleva since January and have added the FM Crosslink.  I'm now using all 5 programs in mine; the one I really love is the one where she tones down a bit the good ear and hears a little more on the crosslink (dead) side.  What that gains me is that sometimes at my sons band concerts, the sound level is too much and that tones it down a bit without cutting it out altogether.  I have really discovered and heavily use the T-coil mode.  I've now put loop systems in my living room and bedroom so that the sound from the TV goes directly into the hearing aid in those two rooms without having to wear any additional headphones, etc.  I also added an external microphone attached to the small base unit that's attached to the TV to pick up extra sounds in the room other than the TV (my kids talking, etc).  I've also purchased a Bluetooth loop that goes around my neck and sends my cell phone, or computer directly into the hearing aid. 
A side note on the FM Crosslink, you do get an extra interference when you use the TV ears, etc and other signals that are FM (especially when you walk through the doors at Home Depot, or anywhere else they have the security bars); only lasts a few seconds, though.  That's why I went the room loop route to avoid additional interference.   The TV ears are great in the movie theater, though.  Most of them are supposed to have the FM system in place because of that 1992 disabilities act. 
The T-coil mode is the best part about these hearing aids; I had to read up on it myself and ask my audiologist if she could turn it on.  They don't always think to tell you about everything the hearing aids can do when you first get them.  I'm actually educating her on all the additional things I'm able to do with it.   
13 mm AN on right side
Dr Isaacson, Dr. Madden,
UT Southwest Medical Center - Dallas, TX
Trans-lab Dec 18, 2006
BAHA implant Oct 2, 2008
BAHA activation Jan 9, 2009


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2007, 06:16:10 pm »
jlamborn- This is my 3rd day on the Phonac and I am beginning to like it more than the previous Berenefon. However- I am confused about the T-Coil. Perhaps you can enlighten me more. I tried it Sunday. My wife called our regular land line on her cell phone. I put it-I thought on T-Coil-Audiologist said you have too hit the button twice-I did read the instructions and still struggle to hear what is said. In the book they talk about putting a magnet on receiver on the phone-what is that. I did not  opt for the FM Reciever but it is still here so I may try it this weekend. My understaning is you can set it in front of the TV and pick up reception in your hearing aid. When it was demonstrated at the Audiologists office I did like it but find it hard to spend $2000 dollars on top of the price for the Hearing Aid which is $3000 dollars. especially when I do not know what is going to happen to this hearing of mine. However-I did wear the Phonac all day at work and it seems to provide somewhat more clarity and pick up more sounds than the Berenefon. Audiologist has given me till I have my 1 year MRI too make up my mind on which system to utilize. Maybe you can give me some more input on the T-Coil. I have been thinking about getting a phone with an intercom system-do not know if that would help me better to hear speech over phone. We have an answering machine and I can make out what is said over this-before it was almost nothing. Thanks for any input. Thanks-Ron


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2007, 11:20:46 am »
I also am trying to conquer the home telephone / t-coil problem.  My current phone is really hard for me to hear on, even in the T-coil mode; I hear people louder in that mode, but there is a loud hum along with it that competes with their voice.  I did some research last night and went out and bought a phone that actually says on the box "Hearing Aid Compatible".  It is actually better, there is still a very low hum in T-coil mode, but it much easier to hear the voice.  I'm still researching telephones for the hard of hearing on and other places and may eventually go with one of those if my hearing degrades anymore in my remaining ear. 
I really like my Phonac because as you said, it picks up all kinds of sounds that I wouldn't otherwise hear ( I can hear my dog crunching food at 20 feet,  but it i still difficult for conversations sometimes.  I just need to resign myself to the fact that voices are never going to be what they used to be.  I'm just grateful for the hearing I have left. 
As far as your question on picking up the TV directly in the hearing aid, you have to hook some type of transmitter box into the audio out of the TV so that the receiver in your T-coil can pick it up.  Myself, I chose the room loop kit ($285) from   I had the TV ears hooked in first right after surgery, but that just went into the wireless headset I had to wear.  It was great at first until I got my heaing aids; now I'm trying to find anything and everything that will feed directly into them. 
13 mm AN on right side
Dr Isaacson, Dr. Madden,
UT Southwest Medical Center - Dallas, TX
Trans-lab Dec 18, 2006
BAHA implant Oct 2, 2008
BAHA activation Jan 9, 2009


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2007, 12:15:55 pm »
Looks like I'm joining the phonak club..... had my latest hearing test and the phonal was suggested along with a bicross wireless for directional sound... that would be good for when riding as a passenger lol and trying to hear the person driving on my deaf side lol... she said most love 'em or hate 'em so hopefully i will love it.... the phonak has things like a watch remote too, or a key chain type remote or a pad... all of a sudden i have so much to learn and understand again about this hearing aid... fm too....i can't wear an in the ear canal little itty bitty unit (as i need adequate ventilation) so it will be the behind the ear one but it has a little inconspicuous thread going into the ear piece...i've already forgotten the details of how the tv hook up works lol... but all of this sounds like it will be of help so I'm looking forward to testing it out after the details get all sorted out..... cost is one too of course.... go with the cadillac? or the mid range.... even the latter comes in somewhere around 3000 and then there's the cost of the bicross we'll see....

thanks so much Ron (and jlamborn)for posting about your experiences as it was nice to be familiar with the name phonak and some of the features when the audiologist brought it up.

Which model of the phonak are you using?? the extra was mentioned to me...
oh, i also have a presc for a special set of ear plugs after raising the issue of wind in my ears (sets off earaches) and they are good for swimming to keep water out of my have to go and get those too....

thanks ,


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2007, 01:00:48 pm »
I have the Phonak BTE Eleva with the Bi-Cros system.  My cost was $2,200 for the Eleva plus $1,500 to add the Bi-Cros.  I didn't go with the cheapest, but not the most expensive, either.  Based on what hearing I have left in my remaining ear, I wanted one that she could adjust the programs for any further hearing loss down the line and not have to purchase a new one.  I lost the hearing in my AN ear, and only have partial hearing on the left side due to a car accident a few years ago which damaged the chain of inner ear bones.  They did surgery to repair the bones a few months before I had my AN removed.  I still have a high and low frequency loss, with the best hearing in the mid-range.  That could be the reason she chose the Eleva for me.  As I said earlier, have your audiologist turn on the t-coil program.  It opens up a lot more options to you.
13 mm AN on right side
Dr Isaacson, Dr. Madden,
UT Southwest Medical Center - Dallas, TX
Trans-lab Dec 18, 2006
BAHA implant Oct 2, 2008
BAHA activation Jan 9, 2009


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2007, 12:06:21 pm »
hey folks,

Thought I would join in after GK all use hearing gone in left ear. I purchased a bi-cross made by Interton
for $2400 in Augusta, Ga. and I works very well. two full earmold in the ear devices, digital, programmable, I have three programs and I think he said it has two more. They have been a great help and the only problem is that in certain locations I get a little interference from radio stations. Does anyone else have that?

Of course you have to get used to wearing them but I keep them in pretty much all the time. I can hear the TV fine, as far as the phone I use speaker or just slip the thing out of my right ear when on the phone.



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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2007, 03:56:17 pm »
This is the 4th day since I picked up the FM Reciever that is optional with the Phonak Hearing Aid. I waited awhile so I can use it in different settings. Today we went visiting with someone we knew in a retirement center. More people showed up-making a total of 5 people in the room so I activated the FM Receiver-it starts out at 360 degree angle but you can zoom in too different people talking if you like. However I kept it at the 360 degree so the mike could pick up all voices and transmit to my hearing aid. Wow-what a difference I could hear everyone talk. I switched it off too see the difference and it was a significant difference in hearing perception. Now too decide if it is worth the extra $2000 dollars. A lady in the room said-"does it help you too hear better" "of course I said" then it is worth it she concluded". Wow-but I am still debating-what if my hearing crashes then I will have spent that money for nothing or only a few weeks of good hearing. Oh well. I least I have choices to make. Thanks Ron


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Re: I got hearing aids and I am GLAD
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2007, 04:15:46 pm »
luv hearing the news on this thread....! :)

I've wondered about that too Ron the losing of hearing after you get this, but after this weekend i sure do want to try it with the thought i will have the use of this device.... so I am ordering the bi-cross and the other and from what i have been told up here it will be around 5 thou for them  ( a little over 3 for the one and around 2 and a bit for the bi cross).....and ican hardly wait to get this all rolling so i can see first hand how it all works for me....

one of the things that happens with our kind of loss of hearing is that we gradually drop out of the situations that make us not hear, get more fatigued, and so on.... it would be wonderful to be in a room with  people like you just were and hear things so much better....i know my brain gets fatigued more because of the hearing situation and i will do almost anything to lessen that brain fatigue....also it doesnt help me to keep swivelling the darn neck what with c vertebra probs too....

thanks all for the updates here...