Hi Windsong,
I too had difficulty with walking alongside traffic. The reason you became disoriented/unbalanced I believe, due to over stimulation. Cars moving fast, noise, visual field is large and expansive so there is much to take in through our senses. I find wind in my hearing ear difficult too. Tends to make me "swoon". Ear plug is essential tool and truly helps. I have many hidden in different places, car, bathroom (for hairdryer), by my keys, in my purse for use every time. I no longer chance going without. If I can block one of my senses it seems to help me last longer on walks outside, in mall, grocery story, etc. I also found my shoulder are no longer stuck to my earlobes.
I have handicap tag that I use if I am out in the evening. I am not fully confident walking from my car to the entrance, but it helps knowing I don't have far to go. I am considering buying a cane just for the evening walking. Never considered a cane before, don't know why?
LOL. I have similar reactions to my husband crunching up plastic chip or pretzel bags during a movie. It's as if the bag is against my ear! And I loved the "old saying...." I'm going to start using that one! And your description of a pinwheel made me laugh out loud as I had the pinwheel arms this morning while teaching my yoga class. We were in a balancing posture on one leg and before you know it, my arms were extended out and wheeling about! Love it when that happens, makes me humble. I smile inwardly knowing what a sight I am to my students. I think it helps them to know even us teachers are off balance from time to time.
Can I have one of your T-shirts? I'm size small. Love that one too!
Thanks everyone for your posts. They put a smile on my face and in my heart!