Thanks for the far this is what I have found out...and for any of you contemplating surgery for your AN this could affect you as well.
I have a combination of Trigeminal and vidian nerve pain....Difference is trigeminal is pain stemming from corner of jaw....affects cheeks, lips, teeth and lower nose...more or less.
Vidian in this case, duhhhh tumor moment cant think of name.....oh well doesnt of the primary vidian nerves, travel along the pathway that hits your temple......then pain will travel from temple along upper cheek and around my eye, eye brow, upper cheek, and temple is where I have most far trigeminal is mostly numb....I will take numb over pain all day trust me....
Common treatment is antisiezure meds used for neuropathy pain similar to that of diabetic neuropathy pain....Neurontin, and lyirica are two most common types...unfortunately for me, I cannot take an anti siezure med as they can cause siezures....not common but they can...and are on the list of drugs I cannot take while I work...remember, I is a fireman.......
So for those whom may have similar issues my treatment so far is,,,,,,,prednisone....5 day pack....and oil of oregeno....remember I am fighting infection of lymph node to boot.......and primarily for nerves I am taking an enzyme called protease......there is lots of new info out in regards to the typical probiotic enzymes for commonly found in Dan active and Activia.....these are similar,,,these enzymes would normally be received from our food,,,but we cook it to it kills them.....These enzymes help with digestion as well, but are primarily for assisting our immune system in removing the protein that builds up during inflamation.....henceforth.....assisting with removing immflamation....or so I hope....affecting immflamation of the nerve linings is a little more tricky than say a sore joint....but am hopefull...
I am also doing acupuncture..which I believe will be of the most assistance...I just dont have appt till next week, so I suffer till then..although the herbs and prednisone seem to have helped somewhat...about 45% better..which really is huge improvement...
FYI, for those whom are interestied in some alternative or assistive remedies I am at your disposal...I am studying to become a master herbalist for a hobby in general, and though I am a long way from being an expert, I have a lot of resources available to me that most people do not......Herbs are great, and we are what we eat...but they should not be taken lightly...wrong thing can have devestating effects and they should be used with caution just like any other treatment....
For direct pain, I am using fioricett....bubalbital, caffiene and biggest worry is too much tylenol....have some toridal also, but have to wait long time between drugs if one doesnt work....fioricett so far works pretty well, but stinks at night...nothing like loading up on caffiene right before
Thanks for everyones help, and if any or you have other suggestions believe me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really open to really really hurts......