Author Topic: todays the day  (Read 5647 times)


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Re: todays the day
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2007, 08:08:10 pm »
Welcome home. It sure sounds like things went well I hope mine goes as well. Take it easy and get lots of rest in s good bed.


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Re: todays the day
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2007, 06:06:09 pm »
Dear Ellen,
You haven't had yours yet? It was scarey. Just as they started to push away me to the operation room my 30 yr old daughter stopped them and said wait can we pray first. the nurses all said sure and we prayed. I believe it went so well because of all the prayers. I've never seen so many christians as there was in my hospital, except in church. It definately made me feel more at peace. One of the attending operating room nurses had the operation in 1991 and she was just observing and came out ever 1/2 hour to give my family an update. The first couple days I thought I should have left it in, but the nurses were so nice and they kept me in SICU for 3 days. The nurses there treated me so well, I was shocked I didn't know they give such individual caring attention.  Each nurse only has 2 patients and if you breath hard they are asking you if you're ok.  If I didnt like my meal they would get me something else. they really put me at ease. They talked to me about God and how they see him in their patients and their families. I found myself praying for the nurses and their families because of all they do.  Once you make up your mind for surgery just pray and pray and let me know I'll be glad to pray with you.