Hello nancyann,
I just came across this thread.
I have talk to you in the past, about my facial look; I did not get to see my self in the mirror until the day I left the hospital; I was in shock to see my self. I looked like a chunk of clay that some one had just grabbed and pull the whole left side of my face down and inch. They took my gold piece out 7 months later. It was about 8 months since surgery that my facial nerves started coming back, with a lot of firing in my brain (nerve connecting).
The photo you see in the right hand corner was taken about 8 months ago. I am 2 years, 1 month, and 13 days since surgery. I was trying to smile for the camera but I was not able to. My son had installed the camera on my computer so I decided to put some make up on and see if it would make me feel better. In which it did. What you see the most is my right side of my face, it was my left side that was affected.
No, I cannot smile. I still have to drink out of a straw especially when I am tired, my mouth will just not form to the cup or glass. My eye will not blink, or cry. I've been to a few funerals and it bothers me for people to see one side of my face turn red and crying. I have single sided hearing. My ENT said it would be the last sense to come back; he gave me 40 % chance in it coming back after surgery. Every so often I still have to wear my patch like a pirate. Oh, and children in particular ask me why my mouth looks fun and right eye always blinks and the left doesn’t.
For my working it is a different story. I did go back to work, but I could only work for a couple of hours and when break or lunch break I would go to the lunchroom or my car and sleep, I would take an alarm to wake me up. When I am also tired my executive part of my brain quits functioning.
But I have found out if I work more than 3 to 5 hours with out a break I am wiped out. Totally!!! So I have decided to sign up for SSD with my doctors advise. And they say I might be receiving it, the neurologist they sent me too has advised it.
The long-term issue is what is bothering me right know.
There is so me others out there that have it bad and I feel silly in complaining.
I was er and I changed it to tator because my little 15 year old yorky had died about 3 weeks ago so I decided to call myself after him, Tator