Hi Robyn. I am sorry to hear about your son. I know how scared we were when we found out. I was diagnosed with a 4cm AN 2 weeks ago and though I’m certain where I want to go for surgery, I still need to figure out with my insurance how to get there. This forum taught me about House Ear Clinic in LA. This organization is at the forefront of AN research and surgery and has been since the mid ‘60’s. From what I’ve read, they have performed the most AN surgeries in the country. I sent them a CD of my MRI and they did a phone consult. I spoke to Dr. Luxford and I missed Dr. Schwarz’s phone call one evening and learned that he had a death in the family the next day, so I am awaiting his call as soon as he’s back. Friday I requested that Dr. Luxford call my girlfriend, Sam, so she can get a feel for the Drs. And yesterday morning, 9am my time 6am LA time the phone rang and it was Dr. Luxford. It was totally unexpected especially on a Saturday morning. Sam slept in as we needed it after the past 2 weeks of stress and worry, and he said he would call back. At about noon the phone rang and it was him. If I had even a shred of doubt for using House I think that ended it all right there and for me, sealed-the-deal as much as it could given that there are so many aspects of insurance and logistics still left to workout.
I know how scared and your son must be right now. This forum has helped turn fear into education for Sam and me, and of the many testimonials we read regarding 3cm+ tumors removed at House, the good recoveries eased my mind. Though no surgery is guaranteed, I want to go where my chances are the best. I will loose the hearing completely in my right ear, but chances are good I will keep my facial nerves.
My suggestion is to send a CD of your MRI to House, talk to the doctors there and explore the option using HEC for your son’s AN removal. Though I don’t have a post-op story for you and I’m newly diagnosed, I urge you to explore another option.