Hmmm. I would think it was prescribed precisely BECAUSE it is a vestibulary depressent. If one has vestibular disorders, and this helps, it make sense. Why not call him back and find out why he feels it is detrimental long term?
I can't stand meclizine myself. I tried it, and literally could lie down on the floor and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I couldn't tell if it helped with brain fog and dizziness because I was asleep.
My doctor prescribed valium, and I was afraid to take it because its reputation. However, it does help suppress the upleasant ear symptoms. It also makes me dizzy. I only take it when symptoms flare up, and take it before I go to bed, or else zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz again. Just half a tablet will suppress the ornery nerve in that ear.
For the woozy nauseated feeling, I use ginger tea and sea bands.
I find I really do need extra rest with this thing. I just get very tired, can't think well, etc. If you get tired, give in to it and see if it helps.