I was diagnosed with an AN about two years ago. The doctor originally suggested that we watch and wait; but the turmor has grown in the past year (currently, it's 0.6 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm) and he now recommends surgery. I'd planned to have the surgery earlier this month. Unfortunately, I was also recently diagnosed with an inflammatory bowel disease and had to have surgery to remove my colon in April. I'm now in the process of trying to reschedule my brain surgery.
At first, I wanted to have the brain surgery as soon as possible because I've accepted a one-year job in another state that will begin in mid-September and was hoping to be recovered before I start. Since the position lasts only for a year, I can't afford to take several weeks off during that time to have the surgery after I start. Although I've been cleared by my colorectal surgeon to have brain surgery in mid-July, I'm now concerned that I might not be fully recovered from the operation -- particularly coming on the heels of abominal surgery -- by the time my new job starts. The new job will not require any physical activity but will be mentally taxing and probably involve long hours. I'd be very grateful for any thoughts that anyone might have. Thanks.