Diagnosed at 49 years with a size of 1.5 cm.
This particular survey I am thinking is difficult, at best, as many people would be diagnosed at a considerably much younger age had they had an MRI at the first sign of strange symptom. Also, since AN's can stop growing, or grow at a much slower rate than 1 mm/year, perhaps some of us had our AN's in our earlier years of growing up. Maybe some were born with them and were at a cellular size (undetectable) until their teens when they had a one-time "burp" so to speak, that baffled doctors, with the AN growing, stopping, and growing through their young years until the AN reaches such a size and the patient is of older age. I also question the doctors saying that these tumors grow at a rate of 1mm/year when they will also tell the patient that it can stop growing. Just wondering guys.