Bin lingering a bit without posting much and spotted this one - very aptly named.
i was watching an old episode of Enterprise on pay tv last night which i was hoping could happen here. the captain's head was infiltrated with bacteria from a different time line. It meant that he could only remember stuff before the invasion and the entire future time line was nasty until the good old doctor created a cure and as soon as those invaders were expelled from his head, the original time line re-appeared. Now where am i going with this (I don't know really, just venting!!!). Anyway, everything liveed happily ever after once those b....s were zapped. Kinda like our AN's really. Bring on Dr Flox and his magical cure - we don't want any more headaches.
Slight problem with the cure but - need the power of a warp engine to generate enough zap to zap the beasties. As warp speed (greater than the speed of light) is deemed virtually impossible, we may be waiting a while.
Sorry guys, but feel better after kicking the cat so to speak.