I am so sorry for your loss. Friends who accept you unconditionally are few and far between. I'm sending big huggles and I am soooooooo very glad that Ian is there now for you.
August is a rough month for me too. Tomorrow is the twenty-first anniversary of my husband's suicide. Tomorrow is the first anniversary of my daughter finance's death, and August 25 is the 12th anniversary of my twin baby daughters' passing. I would like to sleep through August. Not possible so my therapist tells me to decide how long I am going to spend grieving and only allow myself that much time and plan something else for the rest of the day. Easy for her to say. I usually release white balloons with notes attached (I know, bad for the birds). This year I am sending up red ones. I want them to see that I am still thinking about all of them.
Hugs, does it easier with time..........Brendalu