Jean, It's amazing how one's happy day reminds another of a happy day then we all feel better. My husband and I went on several field trips with the boys when they were in school. Some to Riverfront Park in Spokane, WA where they held the 1974 Worlds Fair. They did a wonderful job of taking an old run down section of town and turning it into a beautiful park which includes a place to feed the ducks and a Merry go round from a defunct park that was here in the 50's & 60's. Congratulations on walking on the beam!
Windsong, are the flowers we saw perhaps Forget-me-knots, the ones we sawwe are now noticing EVERYWHERE we go, they are very small blue flowers with a yellow center on Very long stems? I love how we can enjoy something while we do it but get to enjoy it over and over again as we remember it.
Phyl, Gotta love cuddling with the dogs. I sleep with one curled up by my stomach, don't sleep well when he decides to sleep on his bed at the end of our bed. Every now and then he wimpers and wakes me up, I'm guessing he's wimpering because in his dreams he's chasing critters and having a blast!
Battyprincess, I will ask you the same question I asked Windsong, are the blue flowers I saw Bluebonnets? My husband wants to take some from along the trail we walk on but I don't want to get in trouble for picking them! Hope you are able to get back to the scrapbook, the ones I've seen are well worth the work. I need to get back to my photo albums, has nothing to do with my Tumor just hard to get motivated on such a big task.
Saturday I was busy cleaning house, doing laundry and taking out the trash, sounds great doesn't it? While outside I noticed that the birds were chirping up a storm so I glanced out into the yard to see what was going on. My husband had a little sprinkler going and the birds were having a bath, it was in the 90's so they were cooling off. I just stood there for a while and watched them flap there wings to cool off, made me wish I was a bird. I told my husband about it and he went out and filled the birdbath so they would have a place to cool off when he turned off the sprinkler. Friday night it was cooler outside than inside so we cooked franks on the grill and watched a movie on the laptop our youngest son got us for Christmas. During the boring parts of the movie we turned our eyes to the movie in the sky, lots & lots of stars dancing in the sky! Take Care, Jill Marie