Dear Mema,
I had my first MRI of the brain, last summer. One week ago, I had the MRI of the neck. (again, no swallowing) Yesterday morning, I had the six month after CK, MRI of the brain. I did finanlly have to swallow. I have severe sinus problems/allergies. I tried not to swallow through the whole scan. This was towards the end after I had the injection when I gently swallowed. I moved my head about a mm and that was enough that, he/tech had to do that one scan over again. (only a few minutes extra) He told me that you can request breaks in-between scans. (of course when scheduling as, this pushes up the process to about fifteen minutes more time to be booked) He told me that he used to do 28 MRI's a day. Now, there are two more machines around here so, he does about 12 a day. I'm waiting to hear from Stanford. My neck hurts very much these days. We shall see what the results are, soon. Perhaps you can request a "break" appointment the next time or discuss it, with the place you go for your MRI.