Hi Satman, nice to meet you. Wow, you had a humdinger of a tumor there ! I don't understand, if 2 out of 3 of your nerves are firing (only 1 out of 3 of mine is), aren't the docs going to wait 1 year to observe for further nerve regeneration before doing the 12/7 jump? That's what's going on with me - I've had 3 EMGs (the latest showed very little improvement & the nerve by the chin is the only one firing). The 12/7 jump (hypoglossal anastamosis) is when they take part of the tongue(12th cranial nerve) nerve & attach it to the facial nerve (7th cranial nerve) using another nerve to attach the two. I'm told down time should only be about a week, there is swelling of the neck & tongue(but almost any surgery is easier than the AN surgery !). After about a year you hope to see signs of nerve generation: twitching, a little movement, which means it took. Most people, unfortunately end up with synkenesis: involuntary muscle movement: say you go to smile, then your eye blinks at the same time. The synkenesis can get bad, if you have it done you'll need to go for facial training once movement begins. Also, you have to move your tongue a certain way to get the movement, sounds hard but people say it isn't. I may need the 12/7 jump also. But I'm thinking about looking into facial reanimation with reconstructive surgery: muscle flap, etc. I haven't decided, but I know I have to decide fast since I'm almost a year out, & the sooner you do the 12/7 jump the better the chances are that it will take. Well, wishing you all the best, Nancy