Hi, John:
Your situation is a good example of the benefits of the 'watch and wait' approach when dealing with a small AN. An MRI established that you had a small acoustic neuroma tumor and you've continued to experience some relatively minor symptoms. The fact that your hearing improved drastically is remarkable, as. according to my understanding, most AN patients don't get their lost hearing back. Some do experience a slight improvement or the hearing loss stops at some point short of deafness, but, up until now, I haven't read of many AN patients doing 'watch and wait' that can state they have improved hearing, once it has been compromised due to AN-related nerve damage. You're very fortunate and I'm happy for you.
Obviously, at this point, semi-annual MRI scans are the best way to stay on top of your AN and not end up with a large tumor that heavily impacts your quality of life while requiring high-dose radiation or even surgery to defeat. You seem to be doing quite well and I have to agree with your choice to 'watch and wait' regarding your acoustic neuroma. Again, congratulations - and may all of your future MRI scans continue to show no growth.