Author Topic: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions  (Read 5256 times)


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Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« on: June 03, 2007, 08:08:35 am »
Hi I was told about 3 weeks ago that I have AN and was scheduled for surgery on September 5. I have alot of questions, for those of you who have already had surgery did you need alot of help post-op and for how long? Did you have bad headaches afterward? Is there anything I can do in the next 3 months to help my recovery go better? I am so glad I found this site. My friends and family are great but they really don't understand how I am feeling or thinking right now. I don't know anyone that has ever had this so I am very excited/anxious to talk to some of you who have gone through this.

Thanks to you all ConnieJ


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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2007, 09:30:52 am »
Hi Connie - Welcome!!

So sorry you need to be here but I'm glad you came on where everyone knows what you are dealing with.

How big is your AN and where will you be having surgery?  Which approach will you have?

Every recovery is different.  Generally, the bigger the AN, the better the balance after surgery.  If your AN is large enough to have compromised the vestibular nerve, your good side will have taken over already.  Balance issues after surgery seem to be a huge factor in recovery. 

Some people get headaches, some don't.  It seems that headaches are less common with the translab approach.  I was lucky, no headaches. 

Have you explored the radiation option?  Radiation is not for everyone and every AN but, you owe it to yourself to look into it if you have not. 

Recovery from surgery can take a few months.  Some people have complications, some don't.

Good luck to you and if you have specific questions, fire away.

Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2007, 10:13:39 am »
Other than saying hydrated and healthy, I don't think it makes a difference what you do pre op.  Just don't panic.  Maybe take Yoga classes. :)

Connie, take a breath, and go with the knowledge that you've made a good decision to move ahead and that you'll be alright.  It is true,Translab patients usually don't have long term headaches.  You might have transitory skull pains or neck muscle tension post op, but this is manageable and it subsides.  The best thing you can do for your recovery is to kick back and let your body rest.  The body will heal itself.  Keep a patient and positive attitude that you will overcome the recovery period and put it in your past memories.  I have read about post op problems from some recent surgery patients and I suggest that patients accept the idea of staying down and not becoming active too soon.  Age is not really a factor in healing.  Young people heal more rapidly than perhaps older people, but not very much faster. 

Post op...Sit down in the shower. Do not become constipated. Do not push or lift heavy things.  Do not exercise beyond walking around in the house, yard, or two houses of sidewalk.  Stay off exercise equipment other than a slow walker.  Take naps.  Eat healthy foods.  Take your pain meds when you should.  Act like a lazy person for a while.  Have someone in the house with you or at least check on you regularly.  Do all of this for at least two weeks after you come home.  Think of progress by looking back in a month.  Don't compare your activity level to those younger than you.  Boppie says so.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 10:29:24 am by Boppie »

Jim Scott

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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2007, 02:40:35 pm »


I was told about 3 weeks ago that I have AN and was scheduled for surgery on September 5. I have alot of questions, for those of you who have already had surgery did you need alot of help post-op and for how long? Did you have bad headaches afterward? Is there anything I can do in the next 3 months to help my recovery go better? I am so glad I found this site. My friends and family are great but they really don't understand how I am feeling or thinking right now. I don't know anyone that has ever had this so I am very excited/anxious to talk to some of you who have gone through this.

Thanks to you all


Hi, Connie:

Sorry you were diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma but I'm glad that you've found this website and this forum.  I trust we can help.

Figure 3 to 5 days in the hospital (some of that in ICU) following your surgery.  Have an 'advocate' there as much as possible (husband, relative, friend) as you won't be in shape to do much but sleep and rest.

Our initial surgical recovery times do vary, sometimes widely, but two weeks seems to be the general 'minimum' so I would antcipate needing help (cooking, cleaning, driving) for at least two weeks.  Resumption of driving will be up to your doctor based on how fully and how soon you recover.   Again, two weeks minimum, perhaps two months.  Plan accordingly.  Also -  plan to rest a lot your first week home.  We all do.

Yes, some AN post-op patients do experience headaches and a few have them for some time.   The possibilty of developing headaches following AN surgery depends on a variety of factors but the possibility of experiencing headaches after AN surgery does exists and should be anticipated.  If they don't occur, all the better! 

Simply staying healthy and physically strong is the most practical thing you can do before surgery.  That, and a positive outlook will help - a lot.

Wishing you all the best as you await your September surgery date.  :)


4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2007, 03:05:40 pm »
Thanks to you who have responded, It's nice to be able to communicate with people who have gone through this. Some of you have asked me some questions so I will try to answer those for you. My doctor said my tumor is medium size. He told me exactly but I was overwhelmed with so much information I forgot to write that down, but I do know its medium size. I am not having any balance problems at all just hearing, I can hardly hear anything out of my left ear and boy does that drive me nuts. My surgery is going to be here where I live which is Grand Rapids, Michigan at Blodgett hospital. I am having the Translabyrinthine approach. My doctor and I talked about radiation therpy at some length but we decided that wasn't the road for me, so we decided on surgery. I am very comfortable and at ease with my doctor. If I had any hesitation about him I would go somwhere else, but I really like him. I will be meeting the other Neurologist, who teams up with my doctor, in August. I was also wondering if any of you have the BAHA and how that is working out for you. That is what they have suggested for me. I would just like some feed back from someone who already has it. I just have to say I am so glad to find this place where I can come and ask questions and talk with people who understand. Thanks to you all so much.


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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2007, 03:14:29 pm »
Hi Connie

was reading your post. good luck on your surgery. After surgery be patient with everything and take it easy.That is one of the hard things for me.


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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2007, 05:45:18 pm »
Just want to wish you the best of luck with your surgery and hope you are on the road to recovery soon thereafter.  There are people on here who have a BAHA so I'm sure they will help to answer your questions.

Sue in Vancouver, USA
 2 cm Left side
Diagnosed 3/13/06 GK 4-18-06
Gamma Knife Center of Oregon
My Blog, where you can read my story.

The only good tumor be a dead tumor. Which it's becoming. Necrosis!
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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2007, 07:45:59 pm »
Hi Connie,

I'm so sorry you had to join us but if you have a AN this is the best place for information.  You asked about the BAHA. I had mine installed at the time of my AN surgery. It takes 3 months from the BAHA surgery site to heal before you are able to have the processor attached. I am now on my 2 months with the processor. I can really tell a difference when I forget to wear it to work. The only main problem I have experienced with it is in a very noisy or crowded setting. There is so much noice trying to be processed through the BAHA till it gets hard to understand what someone next to you is saying. From what I have read that happens with most other hearing devices too. For a lady it is much easier to hide it (if you have longer hair) than a man. My hair is short so I have no choice but to wear it in full view. This is a bone conductor unit. I read the other day where someone was getting a hearing aid that fit in their deaf ear that worked off the bone too. I don't remember the name but its worth looking into.

Good Luck,
Ellis- Age 50- Mississippi
3.2 cm AN Translab w/ BAHA Surgery
@ House Ear Clinic - LA - 01/04/07    Dr. Brackmann, Dr. Hilselberger, Dr. Stefan
Platinum weight in right eye-Dr. Roberts
Right side facial paralysis (slowly getting movements)


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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2007, 09:49:48 am »
I wanted to say as one who just had the surgery not more than 2 weeks ago  what these good kind people say is true.  First week home I thought I was King Kong and decided to walk further than I should. My biggest problem (which doesn't seem big) is my eyes and being able to focus.  Possibly this isn't surgery.  I get tired more "mentally" (if that makes sense) than I do physically.  Otherwise my headaches seemed to disappear after the first week.  I occasionally get some sharp pains that go through my ear but nothing major. 
Oh and also remember to be very very diligent regarding taking your temperature.  Get a good therometer.

But seriously best of luck.  You will do fine. Sharon 
2cm x1cm, right side
Surgery: Trans-lab approach
Dr. Jerald V. Robinson, Dr. William Hitselberger, Dr. Michael Stefan.
Hopsital: St Vincent's Hospital, Los Angeles, CA
Date of Surgery: May 18, 2007


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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2007, 12:42:19 pm »
Connie, I get it!  Evertone is different.  I had SEVER Edepression, anxiety, and vertigo.  No tinnitus.  I haxdtwo surgs -- 30 hrs total,Gamma Knifee, a diligent team of docs, but no need for pain meds and never any headaches.  I can't speak for others but will tell u prednisone?  gift of gods but wicked side effects.

Poat op took soooooooomuch longer.  give it ample time.  u r abour ro go thru TRAUMA.  don't forget that!!  get ot and pt if needed.  allow lots of time for those nerves to heal. and find s good doc. my tumor was huge. i need good follow up.  peace lori
Lori, Left AN,  2 translab surgeries and GK radiation, 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm, Dr. Singh Sahni and Drs Fred and Wayne Schia, Chippenham Johnston-Willis, Richmond, VA. Deaf in left, temp paralysis post surg 1/07


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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2007, 02:04:44 pm »
Hi Connie, I had a 3cm (large) AN removed translab style at the Mayo Clinic 4 months ago. No headaches, symptoms disappeared one by one as time went by. Almost back to normal-but adjusting to SSD (single-sided deafness) and my ear sticks out a bit as a result of being pulled forward during surgery (not uncommon). The best thing you can do pre-op, in my opinion, is be in the best physical shape you possibly can be in by the time of surgery. Best wishes! Yvette
3cm translab Jan. 2007 performed at Mayo Clinic MN. by Drs. Link and Driscoll. SSD but doing great!

neal r. lyons

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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2007, 12:50:32 pm »
Pleased to meet you Connie!  I have a large, albeit medium sized tumor(2.6x2.8) and I have chosen the Translab approach also.  I'll be having it done at the House Ear Clinic in LA.  They also install the BAHA there. My doctor(Brackmann)gave me the name of one of his patients whom I could contact that had the BAHA implant at the House Clinic.  I have been unable to reach this person up to now.  Perhaps your doctor could do this for you? At any rate you are getting some wonderful insight from the folks on this site!  I have very poor hearing on my right side, and although a nuisance at times, I have found that I have adjusted somewhat.  I've decided to wait before making a decision as to hearing aids until post surgery.  Although I know I need hearing assistance, I need more time to research until I know what will be best for me.  That's what's important-that you are comfortable with your decision!  Don't rush it.  You have plenty of time before your surgery!
     I bought a clear plastic filing system that came with a-z tabbing and have found it very handy for keeping track of all my doctor visits and research.
     Best wishes to you!   Neal
AN 2.6X2.0X2.8 (right side)                                           June 22, 2007
House Ear Clinic/St. Vincent's Hospital@ Los Angeles, Ca.

Translabyrinthine(5 1/2 hr.):  Dr.Brackmann-neurotologist    Dr.Schwartz-neurosurgeon    Dr.Kutz-incision@stitches    Dr.Stefan-internist


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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2007, 05:50:52 pm »
I just wanted to thank everyone reading and responding to my post. It really is a blessing to me to have found this site. When I am feeling overwhelmed I come on here and read some of your posts and it helps get me through the lows. I appreciate this place so much already. Thanks to all of you. What a great support system.



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Re: Just scheduled for surgery and I have lots of questions
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2007, 02:00:59 am »
I'll echo many of the others saying sorry you had to join this ride, but you are in the right place.
I had surgery in January for the removal of a 1.6x1.8x2.0 AN on the left side.  I had my tumor removed using a translab approach because I had lost 85% of thehearing in my left ear and the tinnitus was occupying the other 15%.
I was in the hospital 3 days after surgery.  The worse problem I had was the pressure dressing that was on my head post op was very tight and hurt.  When it was removed I had minimal discomfort for the rest of the recovery.
I went back to work 6 weeks post op to my regular work schedule.

Like others have said, each recovery is different.  Plan to rest...alot.  When I went home post op, I had minimal pain, nothing that tylenol didn't control.  I had some vertido, expecially when I got tired.  But being aware of this, I was prepared and held on to the wall when necessary.  I am SSD and tolerating it most of the time.  Crowds or meetings are a challenge, but I am learning to position myself for the best hearing vantage point.

For me, the challenges have been really minimal. 

Continue to ask questions of us and of your doctors.  Go with your gut on decisions.  And know that we will support you as best we can..   Good luck.....

"Used to be a Neuro Nurse, Believe it or not."
1.8 x 1.6 x 1.7 AN Left Side
TransLab on 1/10/07.
Drs Mastrodonas & Cueva, Kaiser San Diego