Hi Raydean and thank you for your words and thoughts... based on the MRI report of this week (I got the radiologist to give it to me before I even met with the dr!)... says the following regarding the AN and the Chiari:
"The inferior margin of the cerebellar tonsils projects approximately 2-3mm below the level of the plane of the foarmen magnum, which is a boarderline position of the cerebellar tonsils. Lower tonsiloar position, less than 5mm may be regarded as anatomic variation, although some patients may be symptomatic with this degree of tonsilar ectopia"
There is a tubular mass of post gadolinium bright T1 signal characteristics in the left internal auditory canal with moderate enlargement of the left IAC, consistent with intracanalicurlar and pourous acousticus acoustic neuroma. No masses are seen in the right IAC. The left internal auditory canal enhancing mass lesion measures approximately 8mm from the right to left x 5mm in anteroposterior diameter with vertical height of 4mm."
One of these days, these doctors are going to speak laymen English!
So, as you can see, I got them both and really trying to hang tough and remain mentally strong.  As I just received both diagnosis and am a little lost right now in what to do, granted there is no cyst with the Chiari, my symptoms of headaches (oy, the blinding headaches are overwhelming... feels like my right ear wants to explode from the inside out!), weakness and pain in my legs (using a cane a bit more often), facial numbness, etc... 1/2 the time, I can't tell which diagnosis is doing what.
I work full time in a sales office, selling computer chips... I live alone (2nd floor of  an apt in a house), have a dog (she literally "drags" me when I walk her) but try to remain as vibrant and travel and come and go and drive, etc, as I can.
So, as you can see, I'm feeling a bit lost and unsure as to how to approach both... I know I have to take things one at a time and I figure dealing with the NA comes first... and learning to deal with the Chiari 2nd....
My best wishes to you, your husband, your daughter.... they are now in my thoughts and prayers as well... and thank you for the offer of your inbox... I may just take you up on it.
AN and Chiari 1, now that's a combination! It was my husband with the AN and my daughter with the Chiari 1. In researching your options be sure and ask about the positioning during treatment and if it would have any affect on the Chiari 1. You will be my family thoughts and prayers. Knowing how rare both of these conditions are it makes things more difficult. if i can help feel free to e-mail me anytime.
In regards to the chiari how many mm is the cellebellar tonsils. We're you decompressed? or wait and watch ? Does your doctor feel there is a relationship between the two? (AN and chiari)
Best to you