Greetings Fellow W&W Brigaders...
Wanted to share my exciting news...
I had my follow up MRI from my February 12th, 2012 MRI last week. The AN continues to shrink! Here are the VERY detailed measurements and report:
April 2011 = 2.0cm x 1.8cm x 1.7cm (diagnosis measurements)
11/28/12 Report: " Once again seen is an extraaxial mass with avid enhancement in the left cerebellopontine angle with extension into the internal auditory canal, causing widening of the IAC. However, there has been definite interval decrease in the size of the tumor.
Ten consecutive measurements were taken on the 3D Fiesta images starting at the most caudal portion of the root entry zone of the trigeminal nerve. Ten consecutive measurements were done in the two dimensions (anteroposterior and transverse).
February 12 2012 = 10 x 6mm, 11 x 8mm, 11 x 8mm, 11 x 8mm. 12 x 12mm 13 x 13mm, 13 x 14mm, 13 x13mm, 13 x 14mm, 13 x13mm
November 28 2012 = 4 x 3mm, 5 x 3mm, 5 x 7mm, 6 x 8mm, 7 x 10mm, 6 x 11mm, 8 x 11mm, 9 x 11mm, 9 x 11mm, 9 x 12mm
Radiologist took very detailed measurements to be sure of the reduction and is now measuring in mm, not cm. Most every measurement is less than a centimeter! I've had each MRI done in the same place, same technician, same machine, same radiologist.
Though I'm experiencing some pretty loud tinnitus tonight (probably from my 6 year old screaming with excitement about getting Christmas tree) I am SO HAPPY! I send you all shrinking thoughts!
Lisa M