Sorry for the delay in responding... I am a single mother to a 6 year old and time is scarce! Derek's top ten list in this thread is a great place to get going in taking better care of yourself. Drinking enough water is the probably the easiest and best thing you can for your body. Hearing the words BRAIN TUMOR is very scary but use that energy to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and set an intention for yourself to change things in your life for the better.
BTW... Silence is an enemy to tinnitus. Avoid being in silence as it aggravates tinnitus. I sleep with a white noise machine. Avoid places with loud noises. If you must be in a place that is loud, put cotton in your ear (I prefer cotton to actual earplugs).... again I will mention that I have a 6 year old and she can get pretty loud. My AN ear rings for days sometimes if I don't protect it from loud noises. As I was going into a haunted house with my daughter last weekend, I grabbed some faux spiderweb and stuffed it in my ear for protection... without it I would have suffered ringing for at least a few days. Thanks Mickey for reminding me of how sensitive our AN ears are awhile back!
I get dizzy sporadically but my yoga practice helps keep that in check.
You pray, I meditate. They are really close to being the same thing. I use mantra (aka chanting) while meditating. The vibration of sound is very healing. Here's a link to a beautiful healing mantra: can just sit and listen to it... and then try chanting it and feel the vibrations in your head. It may seem insignificant but I really believe it helps. If nothing else it's very relaxing and can help with lowering stress levels.
Get yourself some Tulsi (holy basil) tea and drink it daily, also a great stress reducer. Hang in there. It gets easier and less daunting.
best of health to you!
Lisa M