Author Topic: Feeling "light-headed"  (Read 3805 times)


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Feeling "light-headed"
« on: June 19, 2007, 08:59:31 pm »
I had a vertigo attack a few weeks ago, and ever since I have had occasional "woozy" feelings. It only lasts for a short time, and the feeling is so slight, it's hard to describe. It happens mostly when I am chewing. Usually it starts about 1 minute after I start eating, so I don't think it has anything to do with what I am eating.
It does happen other times as well, even while sitting and relaxing. I am nervous because the day I had vertigo, it started with this same feeling a few hours before. Does this happen to else?

Lisa from Portland, Maine age 46
Diagnosed June 2006
15mm X 17mm AN right side 80% hearing loss
GK March 14,2007 Dr. Noren, Providence RI
1 Year follow-up MRI shows "slight shrinkage".
2 Year follow-up MRI shows "No Change".
3 Year follow-up MRI "stable".
BAHA surgery 4-22-09 BP100 Sept. 2009


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Re: Feeling "light-headed"
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2007, 04:39:14 am »
'morning Lisa - Yes, it happens (happened) to me as well.  in fact, it was those unexplained feelings which first sent me down the medical investigation path to figure out what was 'wrong' with me.  when I first experienced such a feeling, I was driving on the Expressway(!) and for a brief moment, I didn't even really know where I was.  It scared the sense out of me, and I thought I was having early Alzheimers or some other form of dementia.  the more I became aware of these 'feelings' the more I realized that it wasn't dementia, but when I first started down the diagnostic trail, the 'usual suspects' were Meniere's (sp?) and so on.  It was not until my neurologist actually ordered my first MRI that the "unexplained mass" in my ear canal was observed.

talk about a smoking gun...

I still experience the 'high' feelings or disorientation or disequillibrium or whatever i can use to describe them.  it's really not 'the spins' in that sense of dizziness, but quite disconcerting nonetheless.

now that I kind of know what to expect, it's like a visit from a 'friend' or a 'familiar', so I can welcome it in, let it pass, (LOG IT in a notebook) and go on.  the occurances while driving, however, are leaving me less secure in just 'watching-and-waiting'...if I can;t drive in safety, then what?

I note, also, how truly blessed I am , however, for the remarkable support here, and for all the unbelievable medical technology & expertise which identified my little AN (~4/5mm) at such an early stage.  mine happens to be way out towards the outer end on the vestibular canal, pressing on the cochlea and other ear parts (the 'transducer' and 'gyro' as my Dr. put it in terns that an engineer could understand...), but pressing on the balance nerve in any case - thus, the occurances of wooziness.

what a cheap high...

peace to all



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Re: Feeling "light-headed"
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2007, 10:47:42 am »
Oh yes, happens!  Since this adventure began I've gone from falling-down vertigo to spells of lightheadedness that last a day or more.  Sometime it feels as if my brain is moving around like one of those compasses in a globe of water.  Like Frank, I went through a bunch of testing to rule out more common problems first.

I've talked to five doctors now, and have been given several differing opinions; (1) the vertigo could be migraine related, (2) that the severity of the episodes could decrease as the nerve on my good side compensates, (3) that it may or may not get better after treatment and (4) it could be attributable to stress and not sleeping well.  I'm not sure what to believe but I suspect there's truth in each opinion.

I also have a theory that TMJ could tie into the issue of vertigo somehow.  Not as a cause of the AN, but maybe clenching the jaw (or chewing) excites or agitates the vestibular nerve, which is already having a tough time because of the AN.  Are you more likely to have vertigo when you've eaten something particularly chewy or crunchy?

Frank's idea of keeping a log is a good idea too.  It'll help identify triggers AND you'll be able to tell if the duration or frequency is changing....which is information your doctor will be interested in.


15mm left side AN, diagnosed 4/25/07, radiosurgery via Trilogy 8/22/07.  Necrosis & shrinkage to 12.8mm April 2009


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Re: Feeling "light-headed"
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2007, 04:02:49 pm »

Before my AN diognosis I got severe  vertigo attacks, couldn't move my head a 1/16 of an inch and the room would spin.  It always lasted about 3 days where I could not move from my bed.  Then on the fourth and fifth day I could move my head , but if I tried to get up room began to spin.  On the sixth and seventh day I could get out of bed but walked like I was really drunk for a few days.  So it took about 10 days to feel normal. , until my last  episode of  vertigo, before   I was diagnosed with an AN.  My  vertigo attack was the same, but after the 10 days I always felt whoozie, especially driving. This went on for months, then I reliazed it was like my vertigo never went  away.  A little bit was still hanging with me.  Then I had radiation for my AN.  Lost my hearing on AN side.  Still have bouts of severe vertigo and feel whoozie most of the time.  You mention the feeling of compass in water.  I have described a feeling of waves in my head , or the way a fishbowl sloshes around when walking with it.  Also I get other feelings in my head also.  So many different feelings.  The doctors finally said it could be nerve damage causing spasms.  Well finally an answer to all these weard feeling in my head.  Its been 18 months since radiation.  Don't know if my bouts of vertigo will ever go away.  I didn't suufer with vertigo until 4 yrs prior to am AN diagnosis.  Doctors always blamed it on stress because my husband was having bad heath problems.  But now I realize it wasn't stress causing my vertigo but the AN.                                                                                 

6mm x 8mm left AN FSR 26 treatments Nov.-Dec.2005
MD Anderson Orlando, Fl.


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Re: Feeling "light-headed"
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2007, 11:38:49 am »
Hi everyone

I have had a very easy time of it with my AN so far no headaches or balance problems to speak of that is until last Sunday when I woke up with a stinking headache and room spinning around . I  took some ibuprofen and drunk a lot of water and back to bed .
In the morning I felt nauseous and the room was still spinning alarmingly . I had to stay in bed most of the day which was a new experience for me . It got better in the evening and I have felt fine since . We had just returned from a very exhausting holiday on the Cote D`Azur where I had climbed hills to villages in and taken in views from dizzying heights as well as been a passenger in a car on the incredibly winding roads without any feelings of vertigo or motion sickness and to top the lot the trip ended on a bumpy flight and drive home in thick fog and torrential rain . The next day I felt fine but the day after my world started to Whizz !

I really am not sure if this could be my AN which going by the last MRI was showing signs of shrinking or just a co incidence even migraine which I used to suffer from many years ago but without the vertigo .  I have also had occasional "Benign positional vertigo"
mostly when I turn over in bed but I can always stop it by just turning the other way. I  now have a lot more symphaty for all the other An`ers out there who suffer from vertigo regualrly .  It really is not at all nice .

If this should happen again are there any medications which help or is it just a matter of waiting till the vertigo passes ?

Regards Kat

2.2 cm AN diagnosed July 2004 . GK at  the Royal Hallamshire
Sheffield UK in April 2005 2nd MRI in December 06 showed signs of the AN shrinking and MRI in FEB 08 showed no change . SO FAR SO GOOD .


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Re: Feeling "light-headed"
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2007, 07:33:58 am »
Kat, you asked about medication.  There may be others, but the one my ENT docs have practically insisted on is meclizine (aka antivert).  I can tell you from experience that it does help with the vertigo and lightheadedness, and it even helps ease the nausea.  However, for me there's a pretty big trade off because it's very sedating (but not in a good way).  Usually I'd rather be lightheaded and alert than a sleepless half-witted zombie.  I've been experimenting with timing and partial doses, but so far I haven't hit upon the right combination.  It could work differently for you though!

15mm left side AN, diagnosed 4/25/07, radiosurgery via Trilogy 8/22/07.  Necrosis & shrinkage to 12.8mm April 2009


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Re: Feeling "light-headed"
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2007, 09:17:24 am »
Sneezing!!!! That's what spins my world!! I was coming home from the supermarket yesterday, and suddenly found myself feeling "lost". Took a minute to get my bearings - but yes, it happens, and then it goes. But when it happens I always could be worse! Take a deep breath........the antivert is a whopper - makes you feel yucky for days...... Adavan helps when you just need to calm yourself - I find that my own anxiety about all the decision making and the "wierd" feelings makes me feel worse -  (don't want to push drugs, but I really find that it helps get me through the rough spots - check with your doctor.) Debbie


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Re: Feeling "light-headed"
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2007, 06:19:32 pm »

I tried all the drugs the others mentioned.  They would knock me out for my first week.  Last year I retired and when I had a bout of vertigo, because I wasn't concerned about how much work I would loose anymore I didn't take anything.  I still stayed in bed knocked out for a week.  So I think the vertigo made to feel drugged not the medicines.                                                                               

6mm x 8mm left AN FSR 26 treatments Nov.-Dec.2005
MD Anderson Orlando, Fl.


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Re: Feeling "light-headed"
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2007, 08:44:09 am »
Hi everyone

Thanks for your replies . I have felt fine since but have had some shooting pains in my right ear (An side) and  I do not know if they are connected to the vertigo or even my An since I had a perforated ear drum after a very heavy cold well over 3 years ago and
when my hearing did not return back to normal after it had healed I was sent to have the MRI which revealed my AN .
Whether the scar tissue in my ear might be causing the occasional pains I can only guess . It is always so easy to blame everything
on the AN but almost impossible to prove otherwise .

Regards Kat
2.2 cm AN diagnosed July 2004 . GK at  the Royal Hallamshire
Sheffield UK in April 2005 2nd MRI in December 06 showed signs of the AN shrinking and MRI in FEB 08 showed no change . SO FAR SO GOOD .