Hi, I'm Dana on Washington state coast....diagnosed within the last month with 1.6 cm AN on right side. Losing hearing right side for about a year, not horrible, but obviously it'll get worse if I don't do anything. Have had balance problems for 6 years, not severe but bothersome (more bothersome than hearing loss). I thought balance problems were result of stress, cuz they started when my late husband was in hospital for 2 months post brain surgery to remove large benign tumor on the medula.
I mention that because he eventually died from the experience. Plus my mom had a cerebral hemorrhage with 5 brain surgeries. She lived 9 years, was my cutie-petootie "child" who never lost her sophisticated humor despite severe brain damage. So, as you imagine, I'm not too hot on brain surgeries, mainly because I saw with my hubby that brain surgery can create ALOT of other problems.
He had to have the surgery -- you don't fart around with the medula -- but since I have a choice, it's hard.
These are my thought so far, and my concerns; what do folks out there think?:
Gammaknife doesn't appeal to me since I found out from docs (at Univ. Wash Medical Center) that once you've done gamma, the AN isn't operable via microsurgery since Gamma basically 'glues' it all together or makes mush of it in any case.
Microsurgery (it would be retrosigmoid in my case) seems to me to cause an awful lot of facial problems which are the kind of "caused by the surgery" complications that I know from familial experience can be worse than any benefits of surgery. Both here in the posts, and reading literature, it seems like almost everyone has facial problems. I'm not particularly vain and my new husband will love me no matter what, but .... twitching, more surgery to correct this or that, and perhaps most importantly, eyelid closure/blinking problems. I say "most importantly" because I have a genetic corneal problem (just discovered 2 years ago) that REQUIRES good lubrication. So far it hasn't really been a problem if I use thick eyedrops at night, and stay on top of the situation.
About balance, which is also a bigger concern to me than actual hearing, my understanding is that in surgery the balance nerve on the one side is "decommissioned" and the other side takes over, thereby improving balance. Whereas, as my tumor grows, I'm guessing intuitively that since it's already caused balance problems, these will only increase. I understand that "return to balance" can takes lots of time and therapy; I'm more concerned about the long term.
BTW, I'm a 57 year old female, otherwise pretty healthy, never really had health problems (of my own, that is!!)
I'm convinved that NOW is the time to act on my tumor if I'm going to do so. I say NOW because it's smallish and in a good location for success with less complications than if I wait. I can feel the aging process slowing down my healing capabilities in general, so if I'm going to have microsurgery, I want to do it sooner rather than later.
So, I'm asking if others think that facial problems seem to often occur post-surgery? Do people develop facial problems solely as a result of the tumor growing? What about balance?
THANK YOU in advance....I'm been reading posts several times a day, just to 'connect' with others in similar situation.
BTW what is "SSD"?
Sorry for being somewhat lazy and not reviewing all the posts before asking these questions, but I'm sure you've all known the feeling of being so stressed, and then exhausted from the adrenaline rushes, that it's hard to think straight....
Hugs to all,