Author Topic: dr in Houston  (Read 6025 times)


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dr in Houston
« on: August 28, 2005, 06:06:56 pm »
Any recommendations for treatment in Houston?  I have crummy insurance but it means I can go just about anywhere.  Also, any recommendations for a good MRI center?

I haven't been confirmed but my sister had a schwannoma tumor removed last year and I have had a consistant loss of hearing on one side for several years.  No other obvious symptoms.  The first thing her surgeon said was that she had to have her mri repeated as the quality was so bad.  She refused due to claustrophobia and he did the surgery without a new one.  She will need repeat surgery as they did not get all the tumor.  Her complaint was neck pain only.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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Re: dr in Houston
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2005, 07:41:02 pm »

I am a 31 yr old woman that had a 2.5 cm AN removed in April 2004.  I am fully recovered with no side effects from the surgery other than my hearing loss in my left ear, which I expected.  My surgery was performed by Dr. Jeffrey Vrabec and Dr. Todd Trask at Baylor College of Medicine.  My biggest concern was facial paralysis and luckily I suffered no effects.  I highly recommend Dr. Vrabec and Dr. Trask.  They took great care of me!  Good luck in your search for a doctor!


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Re: dr in Houston
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2005, 11:00:16 am »
Interestingly,  I have an almost odentical story as "Reclimbing", except for age and gender;

I am 53 yr old male, same size of AN on my left side, removed by the same team of doctors and, most importanly, same wonderful outcomes.  If you want to know more about my story, just click on my account name and you can trace back all my posts/replies so far.  Or, if you need more details, send me a personal message.  I will  be happy to discuss on phone as well if you wish.

Good luck and keep us informed.

2.5cm / Jan'05 / 53 yr
Dr. Vrabec & Dr. Trask / Houston
Excellent outcome and peaceful mind
Praise the lord !


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Re: dr in Houston
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2006, 10:56:32 pm »
I am a 64 year old female and had successful surgery in Houston with Dr. Vrabec and Trask.  I stayed at Methodist Hospital.  You will find great peace of mind in having the decision made for treatment. 


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Re: dr in Houston
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2006, 05:52:11 pm »
I had surgery in late January 2006 with Drs. Vrabec and Trask and must also weigh in for those seeking treatment in the Houston area.  My experience with this team has been outstanding. 

Although my tumor was relatively small, there were some uncertainties regarding its situation relative to my facial nerve and all of the normal unknowns with AN surgery.   I felt that the surgeons were very frank about potential outcomes and issues that I might face post-op and never ruled out any treatment option for me.  When I opted for surgery, alternative gameplans were laid out according to my wishes to address the potential situations that might be discovered during the procedure.  While nervous going into surgery, I was at peace with my decisions and felt that the best possible results would be delivered.  This was indeed the case. 

For anyone considering treatment options in the Houston area, please feel free to send me a personal message if I can be of assistance. 


1cm x 2cm, Left side -Translab
Drs. Vrabec & Trask - Jan '06
Houston, TX
Excellent Results!!!


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Re: dr in Houston
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2006, 05:09:46 am »
Hi BB,
I can totally relate to all those feelings you are experiencing.I had a 3 cm AN removed 8-2-05 in NC with DRs Fukushima, Cunningham and McElveen. I am doing good. I did lose all my hearing on the AN side but I have no facial damage.My only lingering issue is balance and that is improving.
I have heard lots of good outcomes from the doctors you have chosen.Having confidence in your surgical team is a real BIG plus.
Each AN journey is different. I had read a lot about the meds they put you on and I was worried I would be ill but I wasn't. I was admitted the day before surgery to start on antibiotics.After surgery I was given pain meds as needed and steroids to help with swelling. I was discharged 6 days later and came home with nausea medicine, pain medicine and a steroid taper pack.The stitches in my head dissolved and I went back in a week to have the stitches in my tummy removed as they did a fat graft.I was up and walking quick.At first I was a little shaky but the more I walked the better it got.I had the translab approach so they only shaved a little of my hair. My bandage was removed in a couple of days and after that you couldn't really see my incision. I think your grandson would do fine . I was concerned about that too as my grandaughter was 9 months old and my neice and nephew 3 and 4 but they weren't scared.
When I got home I just wanted to sleep. The 4 hour drive home was the worse.
Before surgery I stocked up on soup,juice and easy to prepare foods. I bought a hand held shower head and used a shower chair.When I got home a shower felt really good. I just sat there and let the water run.It amazed me that everything made me soooo tired.I also took gowns with me that buttoned so they would fit over my head easier.Take something for your lips. Mine were very dry and they waited forever to bring me something.
My doctor said the severe vertigo after surgery usually lasts only 2 days and although I was dizzy it really wasn't that bad. One thing you have going for you is that if you are already dizzy, then your 'good" side is already compensating.Family and  friends are so important right now so I am glad your sister is coming.
I hope this has helped. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for peace and a great outcome!!!
Take care,