I according to the doctors am doing exceptionally well...
... if I am well I would hate to see
what it would be like for me to be doing poorly...
As I said before I have always ( 42 years ) lived with the teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... but now
with hearing gone on that side no way to mask it and after only two weeks it is driving me nuts...
I have found that I can get involved in a book it doesn't seem as loud but get a head ache if I read
too long...
I have no visible facial paralysis but last two days my right eye opens several seconds after the left and
when drinking I am dribbling out right corner of my mouth... I see surgeon for follow up Tuesday and
these are top on my list of things to question him about... I feel like I am back sliding... I left hospital
in a high state because everything was going so well ...
I think I had a point to make but one thing I am experiencing is losing train of thought... I know I
am not going where I was headed but have no way to stop it or redirect... even talking I will go
off rambling about something else instead of saying ... I forgot what I was saying... don't want to
let people know I am confused
Nothing to do with subject but ... today I went pillow shopping ... with 6 pillows I could not
find one that didn't feel like it was touching my head too much... I got a memory foam pillow
surrounded by micro fiber down alternative... I had my son handing me pillows to lay on an empty
shelf and lay my head on them ( still in wrappings) I narrowed it to three than had him against his
wishes ( 27 years old and thought he was beyond Mamma's demands
)test them... we both
agreed on this one ... as he put others up he asked me did I know that it was $29... I told him I
was worth it and I left the store cuddling my new best friend in bed...
OK... maybe a little on subject...
when you find something that has help you ...
share it ...
I was getting head and neck pain due to not getting comfortable ... I took a three hour nap with
my new friend ...
first good rest I have had with out drug assist since surgery