Hello, and welcome to germany, also congratulations on the newborn. I dont know anything about facial nerve therapie, but I might be able to help with german. I'm retired Army and living in germany near Worms. I have an AN and have been looking for a good doctor for possible surgery. From what I have found is Prof. Dr. Samii in INI Hannover is probably the best in germany and could answer alot of questions through e-mail in english. The problem with INI Hannover is its a private Hospital and my german insurance won't pay for a visit, but it doesn't cost anything to get a second opinion per e-mail. The next best that I have found is much closer to where I live and is also a very experienced AN Dr.. Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c.Mann HNO Uniklinik Mainz(I hope he is as good as his title). I think Kathy said he is in Frankfurt, but he's not Dr. Mann is in Mainz. HNO is ENT in english. Hals=troat, Nase=Nose, Ohr=ear. You really need to talk to a good HNO Dr. in your area. Here in germany, after surgery they send you to a Rehabilitation Cener for 4-6 weeks. If you need any more help with anything, translation etc... send me a personal message.