Adrian, I was once in your exact position...same age, same size tumor. Dr. Hitselberger removed my 4.3 cm tumor (which was stuck to my brainstem) without further damage. I literally walked away from the surgery and had a wonderful vacation in Southern California with my husband. I attended a party 3 weeks after my surgery, and no one there (other than the hosts, who knew) could even tell I'd had surgery. Pretty crazy!
Dr. Swartz is meticulous, and you should feel that you would be in the best of hands with either neurosurgeon. (BTW, Hitselberger is in private practice...that's why his bio is not on the HEC website. Also, many might not believe it, but House is not really into marketing. You'd think they would be...but I have not found this to be true. I had an amazing experience and outcome, I keep in close touch with my docs, and they have never asked me to help direct patients to them. I do, of course, because I am so thrilled with how I was treated.)
I don't know anything about Dr. Luxford (although anyone at House should be the best in the field). I would use Friedman or Brackmann and Hitselberger or Swartz. Stefan is the internist and everyone who goes there goes through him (he's great).
I recently went to an appointment with our local Children's Hospital audiologists for my daughter with Down Syndrome. I mentioned that I had an acoustic neuroma. The Dr. asked where I was treated...when I said House, she had a huge smile. "They're Rock Stars in our industry! You could not have been treated at a better place!"
I was once "broken" too...see my scan at left

. I was back to my normal routine within 3 months.
Please let me know if I can answer other questions for you. I am happy to help in any way!
All my best,