There kidding right, I could never do that. I would fall flat on my face and if I didn't instant migraine! No quick head movements anytime for me with or without my eyes closed and walking on pillows wouldn't be fun either. I can be watching TV on low of course and move my head a certain way (not quick) and I start getting a sick feeling and head pain. Do doctor's consider a vestibular condition a disability??? I find that unless you have any physical damage (like body limbs missing) it's hard to convince them you have problems if your is reasonable good shape.
Right now if I look down and back up I almost vomit...other quick head movements bring on a mallet
to the head feeling... I sit down in the shower because if I am standing and close my eyes to rinse hair
I fall backwards...I also get nauseated watching TV if the screen images are moving to quick... NASCAR
races are out... my kids love to watch... good thing I am not a big fan or I would be in trouble... riding in
the car I have to shut eyes because it makes me feel like I am spinning ( so for now driving is out ) ... I
am only 13 days post surgery but don't see any of the therapy happening in near future... for now I am
sticking to just walking thru my house holding walls as necesary...
I did walk to my mailbox yesterday with my little girl ... it is about 500 feet away... going down was not
too bad... it is a gravel drive with gentle slope down to the road and box... coming back I got shaky and
dizzy and could not tell where my feet were going... had to use her as a walker.. had a hand on each shoulder...
I tried to get her to leave me leaning on a tree and go get my husband to rescue me but she was scared to
leave me alone...after wards I had a killer headache that required the bigger pain killers and was sick until about
3 this morning... the doctor and therapist had told me walking outside would be a good start... but in the sticks
( we live on a farm) where there are no sidewalks I am limited... we own 200+ acres that I normally traipse all
over with the kids ...hope it doesn't become a thing of the past
... so for now I am limiting myself to walking
in the house , on porch and right in the yard
Gotta keep telling myself baby steps