First off, Happy B Day PPPPPEARL!!
Glad to hear the good news.
I am 6 mos post treatment CK for something similar to an AN.....originally diagonosed as possible AN, then found out later to be similar....but different location etc..
So far my results are excellent!, the tumor is showing signs of death,,,,I have had little to no effects from cyber...I have recently experienced mild hair loss and graying which under normal circumstance would be due to age, but alas, gray hair does not genetically run in my family...strange but true...and it is getting quite thin,,,,I have posted some questions to the Drs on the cyber site, but it may also be due to antibiotics..the Drs do not think at this point that the thinning all over is due to cyber...otherwise I have nothing but good news.
The treatment compared to surgery was a breeze, and I chose cyber for two primary reasons...the general accuracy of the machine and NO HEAD SCREWS.....
Head screws may seem like a minor point, but I had real problems from them due to surgery and did not want to experience it again...when researching the various Stereotactic types of radiation, the cyber was the most effective and least invasive in comparison to the time of treatment and what was involved. It was in fact a no brainer, and so far, I am very happy I went that route. I went to the Palm Beach Fl Center, and overall had a great experience considering the circumstances.
I will certainly keep posting my continued death of the tumor.