I just experienced being woken up during sound sleep with the "door slamming" sound--ticked me off as I have only experienced this during the day. As I stood up from bed I started to get massive pressure behind both eyes. As the day wore on the phantom continued to slam the door with the pressure moving to the base of my skull and by bedtime I had head pain. Don't know what's going on here, but I do know it's totally annoying!
One time in the doctors office I was listening to audiologist talking and the soft sound of a door slamming started to happen. I had to interrupt her and ask if she heard a door slamming to which she replied yes. I'm pretty sure she only said this to be nice because she looked at me the way a deer looks at oncoming headlights--an embarrasing moment to say the least. I don't ask anyone anymore if they hear what I hear because I don't like it when they look at me with a screwed up face!
I'm due to fly over to Germany soon and sure hope I don't have more problems than I already have due to cabin pressure and being at elevation.