Author Topic: Thunder and earplugs.  (Read 2562 times)


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Thunder and earplugs.
« on: July 27, 2007, 08:18:27 am »
It doesn't cease to amaze me 20 months post treatment and I still have new things happen.  Hubby and I were riding our bikes last night .  I had an earplug in my good ear that works well to block out the wind.  We stop at a neighbors house who invite us in.  Thinking we'd only be there a few minutes I didn't take out the earplug.  Well we ended up staying an hour.  The whole time I'm hearing thunder every few minutes.  Finally I say to my hubby we better go that thunder must mean a storm is coming.  We live in Florida the lighting capital of the world. They all look at me puzzled and I knew they didn't hear any thunder.  They said they didn't.  We all walk outside and in the distance is a heat lighting going off every few minutes.  Wow my neighbors says, you must have very sensitive ears.  I know some folks have mentioned barametric pressure.  Is that what that was?                                                                                                   

6mm x 8mm left AN FSR 26 treatments Nov.-Dec.2005
MD Anderson Orlando, Fl.


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Re: Thunder and earplugs.
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2007, 09:03:53 am »
I believe the ear plugs filter all but the lowest rumbles and dbs.  I can hear my husband's low bass voice very well with my finger plugged tight in my good ear.  Barometric pressure has a lot to do with it, too! 

Sometimes I am awakened at night by sounds of doors slamming or explosions occuring at very regular intervals.  This drives me nuts until I turn and change my body position.  This one I haven't figured out but I suspect it is related to my low blood pressure pulse. 

My good ear is very sensitve too.  Sadly, my ear is not "smart" enough to help me with cognitive memory problems.  ;D


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Re: Thunder and earplugs.
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2007, 01:58:57 pm »

I just experienced being woken up during sound sleep with the "door slamming" sound--ticked me off as I have only experienced this during the day.  As I stood up from bed I started to get massive pressure behind both eyes.  As the day wore on the phantom continued to slam the door with the pressure moving to the base of my skull and by bedtime I had head pain.  Don't know what's going on here, but I do know it's totally annoying! 

One time in the doctors office I was listening to audiologist talking and the soft sound of a door slamming started to happen.  I had to interrupt her and ask if she heard a door slamming to which she replied yes.  I'm pretty sure she only said this to be nice because she looked at me the way a deer looks at oncoming headlights--an embarrasing moment to say the least.  I don't ask anyone anymore if they hear what I hear because I don't like it when they look at me with a screwed up face! 

I'm due to fly over to Germany soon and sure hope I don't have more problems than I already have due to cabin pressure and being at elevation. 
1/05 Retrosigmoid 1.5cm AN left ear, SSD
2/08 Labyrinthectomy left ear 
Dr. Patrick Antonelli Shands at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
12/09 diagnosis of semicircular canal dehiscence right ear


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Re: Thunder and earplugs.
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2007, 03:58:25 pm »
Mema, When I was a few days and weeks post op I heard thunder roll inside my head lots of nights.  I told my doctor and my husband and daughter.  "They would say hmmm, how strange". :( 

Unless a person has had head and nerve surgery they cannot relate, I guess.

I have had no migraines, and very few headaches post op.  That's good!