I have that problem, too. Just noise from driving on the highway can rile up my ear and make it screech like a banshee. Wind, loud noises, kids yelling, crowds....dogs barking. Then that ear sounds like niagra falls is in there. I carry an earplug in my pocket.
When mine goes nuts, my doc suggested I take 2.5 mg of diazepam (valium) which will calm down the nerve. He was right...it does.
It actually calms down ALL of the nerves in my whole body, so I take it before I go to bed. This is not a regular thing, just when I am having a "bad ear" day. Then the next morning, things are much improved.
Since my AN is in my cochlea and I get to lose this ear graduallly without having to have surgery, I consider myself fortunate. And anything that helps is kind of a gift.
The AN has already destroyed the nerves that carry kitty purr to my brain, but I can still feel the rumble.