Author Topic: Allergy or asthema  (Read 2127 times)


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Allergy or asthema
« on: July 28, 2007, 08:40:07 pm »
I had surgery about 14 years ago for an AN.  From the time I had the surgery, if I had a cold I only dripped or had my right eye/nostril water.  The affected side stayed dry.  About 6 years ago I started developing some kind of allergy or asthema.  It only occurs when my body overheats (not related to exterior temperature, dust, plants, pets as far as I can tell) and it only affects the left side (my left eye will water and I produce a tremendous amount of mucous but only on the left side).  The left side is where they removed the tumor.
I'm seeing a regular physician but none of his recommendations or prescriptions have had any impact. I go in again this week and see if he has any additional recommendations.
Has anyone out there experienced anything like this?  If you'd care to share, what was the recommended course of treatment? 
Thanks for your help,


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Re: Allergy or asthema
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2007, 09:47:30 pm »
Hi Kathy,

I usually hesitate a bit before replying to siome questions, mostly because I have other diagnoses and am not sure always that some symptom is due to An or something else I have.

But one thing that puzzles me is the nose drip I have.  My nose(  and anything related to it), for pretty much all of my life, was not something I ever really thought about...  i mean how many of us even think of breathing as we go about our daily lives?  ::)  nose was simply something there when i looked in a mirror.....but my nose has been intruding  far too much this last year especially and I still don't know what the heck is going on..... it drips on my An side for the most part. I can be reading the morning paper, having a coffee, and bend over  and the  thing drips blobs. It can tingle it can prickle it can decide to drip on the other side too.... drives me nuts... then there are the days or times it behaves and i don't notcie it again. I've checked out what I eat, what I use re household things, perfumes, you name it... and there is no rhyme or pattern i can recognize....i don't have pets)... no one has ever suggested I have allergies...

My eyes have also played up.... about (hmmmm, have to think about this one),  i guess about oh six years before An was diagnosed and i had radiation treatment, i had dry eye.... when i saw my eye doc ( he's an md doc and does surgery type stuff too and i can't really remember how i ended up with him but i never had eye probs really  other than regular check ups etc...)  and mentioned it, he said it was probably due to  the rsd I had and to use drops... so I have and it helped enough to not think about it.... then, the eyes switched to leaky eyes and that happened oh geez  it was around the time of diagnosis and post radiation treatment..... it may have been slightly before I don't remember..... but I've had some instances of a really leaky An side eye.... (then again i've had leaky ears  too)

I thought things like ok i must be getting a cold (but i didn't) ....{ you know how kids can get a stuffed or runny eye when they have a cold?};  I thought  maybe i have an allergy of some sort (but nothing changed in my environment or diet etc.} and it came and went willy nilly but the eye thing was always on the An side ; that has lessened and happens not all that often  the last few months....

Mucous? An side of my nose seems to have set up a factory for that and again it can be a nuisance then disappears long enough for me to forget it happened... but it's a strange thing this last year or so....

so far all i have been using for that is flonase.... i'm sure it helps for some  of it... but it hasn't gone away  so i can go back to not being aware of my nose....

I haven't really  mentioned it  except for a few times with my docs but it bugs me big time so i probably will soon...

maybe some otehrs have this and will post... i know suregry folks have mentioned the eye/nose drip but I don't think  radiation folks have so that is why I am puzzled about all of this myself....



Cheryl R

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Re: Allergy or asthema
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2007, 10:07:34 am »
That is strange that the symptoms did not develop for several years for you as many of us here have this.       Usually it starts soon post op.     I have heard of several explanations for it.    Damage to the facial nerve,  pertrosal nerve damage and an autonomic nerve response.    It varies for each person if it  when just being active,too warm, or certain activities.             I heard one lady say it was when she played golf.             Mine varies from day to day when outside being active to just doing it for a day no matter what I am doing with varying degrees of "runniness"      I know just to keep a lot of tissues in my purse.                         It probably is one of the post op problems that is the most annoying to me.   
  The eye is also related to all of this and I do not have much problem with this since my last surgery but did after my 2001 surgery.           Eating was a real fun time with the nose and eye both letting lose.                    I have not heard of any treatment other than if you know you are going to be doing an activity and try to see if some of the cold or allergy related meds will dry you up a bit.     I know the med I take for irritable bowel does help a bit.           I wonder if the meds for over active bladder might also?             
Have you had follow ups to monitor for any regrowth?     
    Hope this is of some help to you.                                    Cheryl R
Right mid fossa 11-01-01
  left tumor found 5-03,so have NF2
  trans lab for right facial nerve tumor
  with nerve graft 3-23-06
   CSF leak revision surgery 4-07-06
   left mid fossa 4-17-08
   near deaf on left before surgery
   with hearing much improved .
    Univ of Iowa for all care


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Re: Allergy or asthema
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2007, 10:36:24 pm »
Thanks for the responses.  I now believe I am not going crazy and will let you know if the physician comes up with a miracle cure.  Cheryl, I now have MRI's every 3 years - the operation did not excise all of the growth and they are monitoring, so far so good.  I can't believe that I've spent about 1/4 of my life with the effects of the AN.