Hi Everyone,
I have been reading posts from this group for a few days now. I have been taking my AN dx lightly until I read some of your stories.
I am 58 yrs. young and feel healthy, haven't even had a cold in about 7 years.
I was dx'ed with Hepatitis C in Nov. '04. Little or no liver damage and no symptoms. Have no idea how long or how I aquired it, I live a clean life. Many have had it 30 years with no symptoms.
I did 6 weeks of a 48 wk treatment with the gold standard peg-interferron shots and ribavirin tablets, which is basically chemotherapy of sorts. This treatment half kills you before it cures, and only a 50/50 chance at that, I was taken off when my white blood count fell to 1.3 which is dangerous level.
There are many side effects and everyones are a little different. It's not easy determining sides from real problems.
My second week of treatment I had ringing or buzzing in my left ear. While talking on the phone I thaught I had a bad connection, this bad connection was also on my cell phone. I switched to my right ear and the connection got much better.
My GP treated me for and infection and then fluid in middle ear. Nothing helped, so I called a specialist in July. He did a hearing test, sent for an MRI and got the AN dx.
1.5 cm long & maximal vertical & AP diameter of 6.1 x8.1 what ever that means. And is 4 mm from my brain.
Was sent to U of PA in Philly to see Dr. Ruckenstein who is Associate Professor Dept of Oto. Surgery. I was prepared to hear what kind of surgery he recommended (did a Google search prior). Was not prepared for wait and see and get another MRI in 6 months. He told me surgery would give me 50% chance of losing my hearing, and with GK a 50% chance of lossing it in the next year. If I do nothing for now I may have hearing in left ear for several years. His exit pamphlet also said that GK is still experimental and outcome is not certian.
I was impressed that he didn't try to make a big pay check by forcing surgery.
My symptoms are tinnitus, partial hearing loss, sensitivity to loud and high pitched noise, like stacking dinner plates and the PA system in Sam's Club, so I carry ear plugs. Some occasional pressure, no vertigo or dizziness yet, no numbness or pain.
I have a lot of unanswered questions. I guess that I'm looking for a free second opinion!
When do you know that you need surgery?
How rare is AN? I read 1 in 100,000 has it (Only 3000 of us in USA?)
Can GK cause hearing loss?
Is my tumor sm. med or lg?
What is CK? And odds of hearing loss?
I would like to save my hearing but surgeon thinks that the odds are against me, is there a way?
Does everyone's symptoms appear over night or do you think that my low white blood count of HCV meds exasperated the tumor? I was told that I probably had it for many years.
Thanks for reading my long post.
And at least my house is not flooded and there is food on my table.
I consider myself lucky.
Sue B.