I went for a visit to my Neurotologist this morning. (Hes apparently quite experienced with ANs and was involved with a study for several years at Harvard in regards to ANs and I think NF2)
I was advised to wait and watch, my AN is small and has grown but not too much. I asked him this morning about wether or not getting treatment sooner rather then later would increase the odds of my keeping my current hearing level (right now Ive only lost a very little bit)..He said no, from what he has studied, going ahead with the GK now would not in turn keep my hearing level at what is now. The outcome of waiting or going ahead with treatment right now would be basically the same. GK right now would not increase my chances of keeping my hearing at the present level. Interesting.
My doctor, as much confidence as I have in him, is human and can make a mistake or form a biased opinion, so Im wondering what you all think about this little bit of info.