Thank you all for the warm welcome...................first things first, here are the specs on the intruders, left side - 1.1 cm x 0.5 cm, right side - 0.8 cm x 0.7 cm. Also a 0.8 x 1.1 cm at the left posterior base of the pituitary gland (have not done any research on that yet). The left side is the weak side, right side has acted up a few times in the past but has always rebounded. The tinittus however is DRIVING ME FREAKIN' NUTS!!!
Bruce, I did not know where to start, that is why I posted here. I guess I'm kind of trying to side step the issue of NF2 (I love my two boys), maybe you know, because I'm bilateral is it a pretty much given that I'm NF2.............what are the long term issues? I will look around the NF2 page.
Ron, you have been thru alot. I'm in the Baltimore area , actually starting with a Dr. at University of Md. Medical tomorrow, Johns Hopkins is a few blocks away. The AN stuff seems intense on it's own, but the NF2 looks like another level. Wow, I wasn't expecting more fuel on the fire, two ANs is enough, but NF2 to boot...............I'm buying a lottery ticket