I'm doing pretty good. Some fatigue, a little queasy, but nothing bad by any means. I agree that "opposite side" things might well be related, although in this case I think it's a "same side" thing because the placement of rack was definitely more painful and more invasive (bigger hole in forehead) on the same side as my TMJ problems (even though my AN is on the other side).
I'm really looking forward to seeing if anything positive shows up in September MRI I'm scheduled for. I know it can take years to show any effects; I'm not unrealistic. But I'm very much at peace with my decision to go GK, even though I made it quickly. Deciding things quickly is my style, and if you remember I've had lots of experience with physical brain surgeries with family members. It's marvelous what surgeons can do, and how people recover from it, but my observation is that it can cause lots of OTHER things to happen that then have to be dealt with, so it just wasn't for me since I didn't have to go that route. And since my AN was of a size and location that GK would probably deal with it, I thought I might as well go ahead and do it.
I have no input on the effect of wind, hot or cold. I've lived in both -- currently on ocean in Pacific Northwest where it blows almost every day, sometimes up to 70 mph. Otherwise have lived in So. Calif -- as child in San Bernardino, desert country, where we'd get out of school if it was 110 degrees by 1pm! But I've always had subtle sinus problems, tension headaches, TMJ aches and pains, so I've just adapted to all that and can't really discern anything about wind. I guess I stay indoors alot!
Thanks for writing back. This is such a great board. I've tried to extend it beyond us computer folks -- my family doctor had just had another patient with an AN, but this other patient is not a computer person. So our doc hooked us up and I talk to her on the phone, and send her literature and info from this board and ANA organization, as well as other internet sources recommended here. I feel good about that. Raydean lives within 45 minutes of us, and the other Seattle folks have welcomed me off the board, so I'm hoping that sometime in the next year we can get together for lunch or something. But staying connected online is wonderful.
Thanks again,